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How does an HA cluster failover affect replication?

Post by cmdrriker »


We have a legacy version 5 replication job that has suddenly stopped working. (The version 6 seed job won't run either, which is why we're still using legacy mode for this one vm. That is a whole other story.) In the process of troubleshooting, I discovered that the replica is not on the host that the job was originally set to replicate to. In other words, the vm was on esx1, the job set to replicate to esx2, and the replica now is hosted on esx1. I believe we had a cluster failover a while back, and the replica was never move back to it's original replication host. I'm not certain though why the job would just stop erroing out now. My question is, can I just vmotion the vm back to the host it originally resided on, and that the job was and is set to replicate it to?
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Re: How does an HA cluster failover affect replication?

Post by Gostev »

This may work, but it depends. Veeam creates additional non-VMware helper files, so as long as they are still present in the original locations, replication should continue as soon as you migrate the VM back to original place.

If not, might be a good time to get those v6 replicas working ;)
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