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veeam and vcenter account

Post by SmithJohn »

When the veeam backup and replication connect to the vcenter server, could I make the veeam only manage part of the VMs in the vcenter.
For me, I have make a vcenter account that could only view part of the VMs, but when it connect to vcenter, all the VMs are shown.

Actually, do there any suggestion to build multi-tenant environment for veeam( want to use veeam enterprise manager as the web-protal for the end-user to manage its backup )
Vitaliy S.
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Re: veeam and vcenter account

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Hi Charles,

Yes, you can do that. at least you can assign permissions on individual vCenter Server objects and then use the same account to connect to vCenter Server. Be aware that for every new individual view, you will need to install additional Veeam B&R console, as the vCenter Server cannot be added twice to the same console.

Here is an existing topic with the list of granular permissions required for Veeam B&R, please take a look: vCenter Server Granular Permissions (v6)
SmithJohn wrote:Actually, do there any suggestion to build multi-tenant environment for veeam( want to use veeam enterprise manager as the web-protal for the end-user to manage its backup )
Can you please elaborate this request a bit further? Do you want to allow your end-users create backup jobs for their own VMs and then manage the restore process themselves?

Vitaliy S.
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Re: veeam and vcenter account

Post by Vitaliy S. »

I've picked up this question from your other thread to keep similar questions in one place:
SmithJohn wrote:3) For the veeam enterprise manger (the web interface), is there any multi-tenant solution for each tenants to view their own vm only and control through the web.
Currently it is not possible, but I would appreciate if you could give us a bit more details on your existing workflows.
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Re: veeam and vcenter account

Post by SmithJohn »

Thanks for your reply.
My case is now I delete the vcenter and add the vcenter again with limited access to part of the VMs. All the VMs are shown. I known it sounds odd but I would like to know any hints to solve it?

Could you pls evaluate the feasibility for the following solution( multi-tenant)
I am thinking to make each end user a vmware resource pool and make a dedicated vcenter account for the resource pool, then each resource pool would have a dedicated veeam backup server and a enterprise manger( in one single windows server). Then, only open the web portal ( backup server's 9080 port) to each end client.
Vitaliy S.
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Re: veeam and vcenter account

Post by Vitaliy S. »

SmithJohn wrote:My case is now I delete the vcenter and add the vcenter again with limited access to part of the VMs. All the VMs are shown. I known it sounds odd but I would like to know any hints to solve it?
What is the root object you've granted your account access to? Datacenter? vCenter Server?
SmithJohn wrote:Could you pls evaluate the feasibility for the following solution( multi-tenant)
I am thinking to make each end user a vmware resource pool and make a dedicated vcenter account for the resource pool, then each resource pool would have a dedicated veeam backup server and a enterprise manger( in one single windows server). Then, only open the web portal ( backup server's 9080 port) to each end client.
It should make a trick, however how are you going to have a single view across all backup servers and Enterprise Managers? Do you have Veeam ONE (part of Veeam Backup Management Suite) deployed in your VI by any chance?
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[MERGED] Create users in Enterprise Manager for specific VM'

Post by rubeng »


I've done some research but can't seem to find anything related to my questions..

We have external partners that store their customers VM's in our Datacenter, and they manage their VM's with VPN and vSphere Client, with special permissions on their customers only.

Is there any way to customize our Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager to let them restore files or entire VM from the Enterprise Manager? Basically adding an account for the Partner to let them restore THEIR VM's and no other VM's?
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[MERGED] Segmenting backups based on user account

Post by tim5700 »

I have a client that is currently running VMware and Veeam 6.5. There is potential to consolidate other business units into the colo for a shared virtual and storage infrastructure. The companies are legally separated and must maintain data separation.

The question came up that if this business unit is on the same VMware, SAN and Veeam environment can users of company A be restricted from accessing backups of company B.
Vitaliy S.
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Re: veeam and vcenter account

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Hi Tim,

You can achieve that by using the suggestion proposed above (separate vCenter Server accounts and Veeam backup servers).

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Re: veeam and vcenter account

Post by c3llc »


Is there any hope of true multi-tenant support for Veeam v7? All of the current workarounds (granular rights management, nested ESXi, etc) have many downsides. It would be fantastic if Veeam B&R natively supported a multi-tenant environment whereby the client Veeam server simply replicated to a Veeam proxy within a hosting company's environment. The hosting company would do the configuration on their side thus shielding their infrastructure from view of the client.

Happy to discuss further, but I think this feature is long overdue - especially for the Veeam Service Providers!

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Re: veeam and vcenter account

Post by Gostev »

No plans for v7. Granular right management is pretty clean approach though.
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[MERGED] Management of access rights

Post by petitbleu »

I must make the choice of a backup solution for both entities shared with each IT department.There will be a third entity that will oversee everything.
Idea in the third entity created jobs and schedule.
The other two are only supervising jobs, launches can do backups and restoration jobs but only on its (their infrastrcuture).
I'm not sure it's possible.
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[MERGED] Architecture for multi-user and multi-department se

Post by miha9966 »


I have a question regarding a bit complicated Veeam backup setup we have in mind...
We need to set up a centralized backup for different departments that have more-less independent infrastructure, and set it up to send a backup copy to central location.
We need to separate access to backup copies on departmental level, and leave backup job control on departmental level.
We want to use one Veeam server on central location and dedicated pair of backup proxies for each department - one on central location and one on department location (centralized licensing for all departments), but limit those departments to have rights to access only backups for their infrastructure on central location, and see backup infrastructure available only for their department.
Is it possible to achieve this with different users/roles in veeam 7? Can i have separate users controlling backups of only their piece of infrastructure, and their dedicated proxies (and their backup repositories).
Can it be achieved via Veeam Enteprise Manager, and one veeam server for multiple users and a pair of backup proxies per department?
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Re: veeam and vcenter account

Post by foggy »

This can only be achieved by setting up dedicated Veeam B&R servers for each department and limiting the access to the whole infrastructure through the granular vCenter permissions. A single view across all backup servers can be provided by Veeam Enterprise Manager.
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[MERGED] Veeam B&R administrator roles

Post by davide.depaoli »

Hi all,
possible scenario:
multisite customer
One Veeam B&R server centralized on IT headquarter
On every remote site there is a local vSphere cluster
On every remote site there is one Veeam Proxy and local repository
On every remote site there is aguy responsible to monitor and manage only his own jobs (backup/restore).

The question is:
is possible on Veeam server setting up administrator role limited to see and manage only part of whole infrastructure ?

To semplify the explanation, seeing following screenshots:

The italian guy must to see and manage only italian cluster and jobs
The french guy must to see and manage only italian cluster and jobs
The USA guy must to see and manage only italian cluster and jobs

thank you
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Re: veeam and vcenter account

Post by foggy »

Davide, please see the discussion above for some considerations. To achieve that, you would need to have a separate Veeam B&R server in every location, though.
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