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Post by jcwuerfl »

Is there any more documentation on Start-VBRZip somewhere? Was starting to look at this and the get-help start-vbrzip doesn't have as much help as the other commands do right now. Managed to do start a backup with this but trying to understand what some of the other options are like OutVariable.



Start-VBRZip [-BackupRepository <CBackupRepository>] -Entity <IItem[]> [-Compression <Int32>] [-DisableQuiesce] [-RunAsync] [-Verbose]
[-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-ErrorVariable <String>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-
OutVariable <String>] [-OutBuffer <Int32>]

Start-VBRZip [-Folder <String>] -Entity <IItem[]> [-Compression <Int32>] [-DisableQuiesce] [-RunAsync] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorActio
n <ActionPreference>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-ErrorVariable <String>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-OutVariable <String>]
[-OutBuffer <Int32>]

Example run:

Code: Select all

 $viServerObject = Get-VBRServer -Name virtualCenterServer.domain.com
 $viObject = Find-VBRViEntity -Server $viServerObject -Name "virtualMachineName"
 Start-VBRZip -Folder e:\temp -Entity $viObject
Which created:


So was looking to see if I can specify the output file name more. More just the vmName.vbk or something simple.
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by tsightler »

"OutVariable" (or "-ov") is a common PowerShell parameter, I don't think it's special to Start-VBRZip. It's used to capture output from each step in a pipeline for easier debugging. See here for more details.

I think effectively the first 5 parameters are the only ones that are unique for Start-VBRZip and they are largely self explanatory.

I'd guess you could just use PowerShell to rename the file after it's done.
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by jcwuerfl »

Thanks for the info. They are somewhat explanatory. I was thinking about doing that myself but wanted to make sure it wasn't possible by itself. aka why re-invent the wheel.

The other one I have question on is Compression but guessing its :

0 - None
1 - Low
2 - Optimal
3 - Best

Since its an Int32 ?
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by Gostev »

For version 6.1, the number are:

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0, "None"
4, "Low"
6, "Optimal"
9, "Best"
Note to future readers: compression levels may change in future versions.
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by jcwuerfl »

Thanks! @Gostev for that info!
Andreas Neufert
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by Andreas Neufert »

I think the first question isn´t really answered.
Does someone know how to set the exact filename or read out the exact filename after the VeeamZIP?
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by Vitaliy S. »

That's not possible, however you can use something like this to specify the file name you need for the VeeamZIP job:

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Rename-Item file_name.txt new_name.txt
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by marcseitz » 2 people like this post

Hi Guys,

I've had the same problem not to know which File was generated by Start-VBRZip.

I've created a Script which would be called by the VMware Orchestrator and a "Invoke-Command". The Script returns the Filename which was created by VBRZip or the Returncode "FAILED".
Maybe it's useful for you to expand the script to move the File to another location or rename it...

What the Script is doing:
- Getting the vCenter-Object
- Getting the VM-Object
- Creating an MD5-Hash as Foldername
- Starting VBRZip using the MD5-Hash
- Extracting the Returncode of VBRZip
- Returning "FAILED" or the Filename

Code: Select all

# Definitions #
$vcenter = "<MYVCENTERNAME>"
$myRepository = "\\<MYSERVERNAME>\<MYFILESHARE>"
$logfile = "<MYLOGFILE.LOG>"

if ( $args.length -ne 1 )
	Write-Warning "Calling Script with Paramenter: <VMName>"

#Loads Veeam Powershell Snapin
Add-PSSnapin -Name VeeamPSSnapIn -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# Mapping Argument to internal variable
$vmname         = $args[0]

$tmp_date = get-date -format o
$tmp_log = $tmp_date +" START VeeamZIP for VM: $vmname" >> $logfile

############### Getting VM-Object ###############

write-host "Getting vCenter-Server-Object"
$myVcenter      = Get-VBRserver | where {$_.Name -eq $vcenter}

$tmp_date = get-date -format o
$tmp_log = $tmp_date +"  - Using vCenter $myVcenter" >> $logfile

write-host "Getting VM-Infos from vCenter"
$myVM		= Find-VBRViEntity -Server $myVcenter -Name $vmname
if($myVM.name -ne $vmname)
	$tmp_date = get-date -format o
	$tmp_log = $tmp_date +"  - VM not found in vCenter -  EXITING" >> $logfile
	return 99

$tmp_date = get-date -format o
$tmp_log = $tmp_date +"  - Using VM-Entity $myVM" >> $logfile

$tmp_date = get-date -format o
$tmp_log = $tmp_date +"  - Using VM-Object $myVM.Reference" >> $logfile

############### Creating MD5-Hash for FolderName ###############
$myString = get-date -format o
$cryptoServiceProvider = [System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider];
$hashAlgorithm = new-object $cryptoServiceProvider
$hashByteArray = $hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash([Char[]]$myString);
$myMD5 = ""

foreach ($byte in $hashByteArray)
	$myMD5 += “{0:X2}” -f $byte

$myFolder = "$myRepository\$myMD5\"

$tmp_date = get-date -format o
$tmp_log = $tmp_date +"  - Using Target-Folder "+ $myFolder >> $logfile

############### Starting VeeamZIP ###############

write-host "Starting VeeamZIP"
$tmp_date = get-date -format o
$tmp_log = $tmp_date +"  - Starting VeeamZIP: Start-VBRZip -Folder"+ $myFolder +" -Entity "+ $myVM.Name >> $logfile

$myZip = Start-VBRZip -Folder $myFolder -Entity $myVM

$tmp_date = get-date -format o
$tmp_log = $tmp_date +"  - Finished VeeamZIP with Errorcode " + $myZip.Result >> $logfile

write-host $myFolder
write-host $myZip

############### Checking Result ###############

if(($myZip.Result -eq "Failed") -or $myZip.Result -eq "null")
	$myReturn = "FAILED"
	$myFile = Get-Childitem -Path $myFolder
	$myReturn = $myFile.FullName

############### Return Filename or Returncode "FAILED" ###############

return $myReturn
Feel free to use, modify and extend this Script!

Andreas Neufert
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by Andreas Neufert »

Thabk you for this great script!
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by mckenzieaj »

Many many thanks for the code snippet above, it massively reduced my research time.

I am scheduling this on a windows 7 box to do nightly off site backups to rotating USB3 hard disk

The .cmd wrapper I am using is as follows (in case this is helpful to anyone that is unfamiliar with kicking off this script in powershell v2).

Code: Select all

@echo off
set logfile=c:\utils\BackupVMsToExternalDisk.log.txt

echo External VM Backup started %DATE% %TIME% > %logfile%

::: If this is a new external disk, make sure the backup folder exists
if exist e:\. if not exist e:\HDVMBackup\. md e:\HDVMBackup

::: clean up old backups.
if not exist E:\HDVMBackups\. echo Cannot find destination folder E:\HDVMBackups\. >> %logfile% && goto endit
del e:\hdvmbackups\*.* /s /q
for /D %%f in (e:\hdvmbackups\*.*) do rd %%f /s /q

::: Backup relevant VMs with powershell script.
powershell.exe -file c:\utils\veeamzip.ps1 server01 >>%logfile% 2>&1 
powershell.exe -file c:\utils\veeamzip.ps1 server02 >>%logfile% 2>&1 
powershell.exe -file c:\utils\veeamzip.ps1 server03 >>%logfile% 2>&1 
powershell.exe -file c:\utils\veeamzip.ps1 server04 >>%logfile% 2>&1 

echo External VM Backup finished %DATE% %TIME% >> %logfile%

In addition I moved to a simpler subfolder name in the PS script, where it matches the VM using the appropriate variable:

Code: Select all

$myFolder = "$myRepository\$vmname\"
Finally, I love the fact that Veeam emails the logs of these jobs automatically and you can do double click restores. That said, I am *very* surprised that the scheduling of veeamzip jobs is not a native function of the console... it feels like it is a piece that is "missing"
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by nmatese »

mckenzieaj, could you possibly post a sample of your veeamzip.ps1?
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by veremin »

Hi, Nick.

I wouldn’t think there is something special in that file.

In the ways I see it, it must be a piece of the code which is responsible for getting given VM from a server and VeeamZiping it to a specified hard disk; probably, something that has been mentioned already:

Code: Select all

asnp VeeamPssnapin
$VM = Get-VBRServer -name "Name of your ESXi/vCenter Server" | Find-VBRViEntity -name "Name of VM you’re willing to backup"
Start-VBRZip -folder “Your folder” -Entity $VM
Hope this helps.
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by jim3cantos »

nmatese wrote:mckenzieaj, could you possibly post a sample of your veeamzip.ps1?
I think veeamzip.ps1 is the powersell script shared above by Marc because both scripts (cmd and ps1) work fine in combination. Thanks to the authors.
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by NYTECJ »

Wanted to know if someone can help me. I am trying to use powershell to perform a VeeamZip for our servers. Needless to say writing scripts is not my area of expertise. This is our VM setup.
Two VM Servers and the instances names ESXi 5.0
Desktop05 ESXi 5.0

How can I run a VBRZip that only uses all servers except for UserDesk1, 2, 3, 4 and Desktop01, 02, 03, 04, 05? Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by veremin » 1 person likes this post

Have these servers been added to VB&R console through vCenter or as stanalone hosts?

In case of vCenter, the following script should be used:

Code: Select all

asnp VeeamPSSnapin
$Server = Get-VBRServer -name "Name of your VC" | where {$_.type -eq "VC"}
$VMNames = "File", "Mail", "Web", "Blackberry", "Citrix", "DC"
$Entity = $Server | Find-VBRViEntity -name $VMNames
Start-VBRZip -folder "Name of a folder you're going to backup VMs to" -Entity $Entity
In case of standalone servers, the other one:

Code: Select all

asnp VeeamPSSnapin
$Server1 = Get-VBRServer -name "Name of a first server" | where {$_.type -eq "ESXi"} 
$VMNames1 = "File", "Mail", "Web"
$Entity1 = $Server1 | Find-VBRViEntity -name $VMNames
$server2 = Get-VBRServer -name "Name of a second server" | where {$_.type -eq "ESXi"} 
$VMNames2 = "Blackberry", "Citrix", "DC"
$Entity2 = $server2 | Find-VBRViEntity -name $VMNames2
$Entity = $Entity1 + $Entity2
Start-VBRZip -folder "Name of a folder you're going to backup VMs to" -Entity $Entity 
Hope this helps.
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by NYTECJ »

Great. :D That can work. Is there a switch that allows the system to create separate .vbk files for each server with compression?
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by veremin » 1 person likes this post

If you’re willing to get a seprate .vbk file for each VM, then you need to create a given number of different VeeamZIP jobs:

Code: Select all

asnp VeeamPSSnapin
$Server = Get-VBRServer -name "Name of your VC/ESX(i) host" | where {$_.type -eq "VC"}
$VMName = "Name of your VM”
$Entity = $Server | Find-VBRViEntity -name $VMName
Start-VBRZip -folder "Name of a folder you're going to backup VM to" -Entity $Entity  
You can choose different level of compression, using –compression parameter:

Code: Select all

Start-VBRZip -folder "Folder" -Compression *Number -Entity $Entity


• 0 – None
• 4 – Dedupe-friendly
• 6 – Optimal (Recommended)
• 9 - Extreme

Hope this helps.
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by NYTECJ »

That works. Thank you very much.
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by veremin »

You’re welcome. Should any additional help be needed, feel free to contact us. Thanks.
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by siddharth_k11 »


I am getting error in following script for taking backup of hyper-v vm

PS C:\Windows\system32> $Server = Get-VBRServer -name "Server01" | where {$_.type -eq "VC"}
PS C:\Windows\system32> $VMNames = "Test02"
PS C:\Windows\system32> Start-VBRZip -folder "D:\VeeamBKP" -Entity $Entity
Start-VBRZip : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Entity'. The argument is null. Supply a non-null argument and try
the command again.
At line:1 char:41
+ Start-VBRZip -folder D:\VeeamBKP -Entity <<<< $Entity
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Start-VBRZip], ParameterBindingValidationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError,Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.Commands.Backup.StartVBRZip
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by ThomasMc »

Code: Select all

$Entity = $Server | Find-VBRViEntity -name $VMName
Missing this
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by greendx »

Is there a way to specify a sub-folder within a repository when using VBRZip to backup to a repository?
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by veremin »

In this case you should use -Folder parameter, instead of -Repository one. Thanks.
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by jim3cantos »


after diving for a while in the forums I just wanted to share a ps1 script that uses Start-VBRZip to backup some vm's to a repository and then import the backup generated to veeam server. It includes tips from several threads and first part is only for running Start-VBRZip commands as administrator and avoid permission errors. Just fill appropriately the parameters between <>. For example, <UNC path to backup directory> is the full UNC path to repository directory from veeam backup server. Probably it can be optimized so feel free to do it.

Code: Select all

# Get the ID and security principal of the current user account
$myWindowsPrincipal=new-object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal($myWindowsID)
# Get the security principal for the Administrator role
# Check to see if we are currently running "as Administrator"
if ($myWindowsPrincipal.IsInRole($adminRole))
   # We are running "as Administrator" - so change the title and background color to indicate this
   $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $myInvocation.MyCommand.Definition + "(Elevated)"
   $Host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor = "DarkBlue"
   # We are not running "as Administrator" - so relaunch as administrator
   # Create a new process object that starts PowerShell
   $newProcess = new-object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo "PowerShell";
   # Specify the current script path and name as a parameter
   $newProcess.Arguments = $myInvocation.MyCommand.Definition;
   # Indicate that the process should be elevated
   $newProcess.Verb = "runas";
   # Start the new process
   # Exit from the current, unelevated, process
# Run your code that needs to be elevated here
# Retention settings (Optional; By default, VeeamZIP files are not removed and kept in the specified location for an indefinite period of time.
# Possible values: Never , Tonight, TomorrowNight, In3days, In1Week, In2Weeks, In1Month)
$Retention = "In1Month"
Add-PSSnapin -Name VeeamPSSnapIn
$Repository = Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name "<repository name>"
$Server = Get-VBRServer -name "<VC server>" | where {$_.type -eq "VC"}
$VMNames = "<vmname1>", "<vmname2>", "<vmname3>"
$Entity = $Server | Find-VBRViEntity -name $VMNames
$myZip = Start-VBRZip -BackupRepository $Repository -AutoDelete $Retention -Entity $Entity
############### Checking Result ###############
if(($myZip.Result -eq "Failed") -or $myZip.Result -eq "null")
   $myReturn = "FAILED"
   $LastVBK = Get-ChildItem "<UNC path to backup directory>" | where {$_.Extension -eq ".vib" -or $_.Extension -eq ".vbk"} | Sort-Object creationtime -Descending | select -First 1
   Import-VBRBackup –Server '<repository server>' –FileName $LastVBK.fullname
   $myReturn = $LastVBK.fullname

############### Return Filename or Returncode "FAILED" ###############
return $myReturn
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by Andreas Neufert »

Very cool,

thank you very much!
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by veremin »

Why do you need to import newly created VeeamZIP file to a backup server? You're writing to a backup server, doesn't the newly created file get imported automatically, when a repository rescan takes place? Thanks.
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by jim3cantos »

v.Eremin wrote:Why do you need to import newly created VeeamZIP file to a backup server? You're writing to a backup server, doesn't the newly created file get imported automatically, when a repository rescan takes place? Thanks.
Nope. I have tried both from powershell and the console and individual .vbk files are not imported. Doesn't have to be a backup set of files from another backup job to be able to import with repository rescanning?...in other threads and also in the help pages it seems to say so:
You may need to import backups to Veeam Backup & Replication in the following situations:

▪The Veeam backup server has failed and you have restored it in a new location. You want to restore VM data from backups created by the Veeam backup server that has failed.
▪You want to restore VM data from backups created on other Veeam backup servers.
▪You want to restore VM data from backups on the backup repository that is not connected to Veeam Backup & Replication (for example, if you removed it earlier).
You want to restore VM data from VeeamZIP files created on your Veeam backup server or other Veeam backup servers.
http://helpcenter.veeam.com/backup/80/v ... ckups.html
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by veremin »

Yep, my bad. Backup files created by VeeamZIP don't have .vbm along with them, thus, cannot be imported automatically during repository rescan. So, the import portion of code is still required. Thanks.
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Re: Start-VBRZip

Post by Andreas Neufert »

Would be cool if we can add vbm file automaticall at one of the next versions.
This would also help to avoid problems when customers want to use Veeam-ZIP with Seeding
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