I am currently rolling out Veeam Enterprise 6.1 to our fleet of approx 700 vms. We have a mix of Windows and Linux and as such I have based my backups on OS and environment (using vsphere folders) eg.
Production Windows, Production Linux, QA Windows, QA LInux, Developement Windows, Development Linux, plus a couple of others for Veeam infrastructure etc.
The idea was to group similar OS backups for better dedupe results and scheduling priorities between environments ie Prod jobs are run first, then QA etc.
My Question...
Is it possible to take a quick incremental backup of a production server from a folder based backup without running the entire job or creating a seperate job for the one vm?
I followed the link below and tested but it only works when you have defined a list of vms ...sadly I dont have the knowledge to modify it to look inside the folder and exclude all vms except the one specified. Awesome script BTW.
thx FoggyBtw, I've suddenly come across this PowerShell trick, seems to be doing right what you were talking about.
backup single VM (not all VMs) within job?
If anyone has taken this step and got it working please respond.
Many Thanks