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Technical queries related to Veeam backup & replication 7.0

Post by hakimbhungra »


I would like to know below technical queries related to Veeam backup & Replication 7.0

1) To speed up the backup can veeam use SAN based method.
2) Can veeam proxy sit on MS clustering nodes,so if proxy server is assigned with the LUNs shown in vmware they can silently use the active node.
3) Does veeam support the MySQL database backups on Linux platform .
4) Does the replicated copy have option to be verified automatically or manually without disturbing production (something like veeam lab feature).

Hakim. B
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Re: Technical queries related to Veeam backup & replication

Post by veremin »

Hi, Hakim,
1) To speed up the backup can veeam use SAN based method.
Yep, it’s possible to use Direct SAN mode. More information regarding required configuration steps can be found here. This method is, indeed, considered to be the fastest one.

Also, in version 7 we added completely new functionality called Backup from Storage Snapshots that lets you dramatically improve RPOs and reduce impact of backup activities on the production environment. For now VB&R supports the following HP SAN storage systems: HP StoreVirtual (Lefthand), HP StoreVirtual VSA, HP StoreServ (3par).
2) Can veeam proxy sit on MS clustering nodes,so if proxy server is assigned with the LUNs shown in vmware they can silently use the active node.
Could you elaborate on it a little bit? In general, veeam proxy role can be assigned to any Windows-based machine: be it physical or virtual one.
3) Does veeam support the MySQL database backups on Linux platform .
Yes, it does. In order to backup Linux VMs that run special application such as MySQL, Oracle, etc. you have to use pre-freeze/post-thaw script that freeze database activity before the snapshot is taken. Additionally, there is a dedicated white paper regarding backing up MySQL server residing on Linux VM. It can be found here.

Furthermore, the following topics might be helpful: Confusion regarding linux/mysql replication and quiescence, Hot backup of MySQL on a Linux VM. 

4) Does the replicated copy have option to be verified automatically or manually without disturbing production (something like veeam lab feature).
In version 7 we introduced SureReplica functionality that does exactly what you're after.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Technical queries related to Veeam backup & replication

Post by hakimbhungra »

Dear Eremin,

Thanks for prompt reply.

If I make a Microsoft cluster for the High Availability of the backup destination , can veeam proxy take advantage of this being part of MS cluster virtual service or can the veeam installation itself be done on a cluster .

Hakim. B
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Re: Technical queries related to Veeam backup & replication

Post by foggy »

Actually, if you have several proxy servers and proxy selection is set to automatic in the job settings, then in case of unavailability of one proxy, the job will use another available proxy to write to the repository. If that is what you're asking about.
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Re: Technical queries related to Veeam backup & replication

Post by dellock6 »

Hakim said "HA for backup destination" so I think he's talking about the Repository role; I think the idea would be to have the Veeam Repository Agent installed as a cluster service, so if one server of the cluster goes down, a failover moves the Agent to another node of the cluster, thus guaranteeing HA to the Veeam Repository?

Interesting idea, never tried it personally, but we used internally the same kind of desing; but I used other forms of distributed/HA repository (Ceph is one of the bests).

Luca Dell'Oca
Principal EMEA Cloud Architect @ Veeam Software

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