In regards to 1)
Not sure if I understood you. Could you elaborate on that please?
Rather than having to open Veeam Backup and Replication -> click the blue button -> click PowerShell --- It would be nice to just have a shortcut for launching PowerShell. Don't get me wrong, I love the GUI - just no need to open it up if I'm heading to PowerShell. ... view?pli=1
A solution to me would like like this: ... view?pli=1
In regards to 2)
To connect to the remote you just need to do a remote connection ...
Thank you rmeyer5, I'm aware of PowerShell Remote Sessions.
Could you describe your use case please?
What I'm asking for is - say I have PowerShell on systems not directly connected to my network. I don't want to expose PowerShell for a couple of reasons. 1. In regards to security, logging activity from remote PowerShell is inadequate. 2. I would prefer to centralize the PowerShell cmd-let onto one machine - and not have to run commands on remote sessions. The commandlets from one host should be able to contact the API's on multiple Veeam Backup and Recovery Servers and manage the connections - similar to how the new Remote Console functionality is working. There would need to be a connection management commandlet - similar to the vSphere Connect-VIServer functionality.
I saw the addition of the remote console in the GUI and just feel the capability should mirror the CLI.
In regards to 3)
There is already something very similar:
Ahhh.... I should have tried it with the -Name ... view?pli=1
Thank you much!