Ive been in discussions on the following topic http://forums.veeam.com/veeam-backup-re ... 39-30.html
This is all about adding a copied VM to an application group for testing in a sandbox environment.
The reason for this is so I can replicate certain site to site connections etc.
I can get one VM into a application group but when using the provided code in that previous topic I can not get any more than one VM.
If I run
Code: Select all
$RestorePoints = @((Get-VBRRestorePoint -Name "Name of first VM" | sort creationtime | select -Last 1), (Get-VBRRestorePoint -Name "Name of second VM" | sort creationtime | select -Last 1))
Add-VSBViApplicationGroup –Name “AG” –RestorePoint $RestorePoints
if I run
Code: Select all
Get-VBRRestorePoint -Name "Name of first VM" | sort creationtime | select -Last 1
Many thanks for any help in advance