Can we get agent details using Powershell command?
I have tried the following commands ...
VBREPJob - Returns all the endpoint backup jobs
Get-VBREPSession - Returns all the endpoint backup sessions
I would like to know the agent (which is getting backed up) details like host name or ip address
For a backup job, the Get-VBRTaskSession command gives an "ObjectId" associated with that task session. Is this kind of information available for an endpoint backup session as well? If yes, how can I get that information?
Thank you for your response.
I was looking for the agent details like Host Name or IP address.
It would be useful to have the information, as we can pull out a report on "what Host have been backed up" and "how many backups/ backup copies have been made, given a host.".
One thing that is missing from the agent management functionality brought by Update 3, is the ability to get the details of the agent jobs managed by VBR via PowerShell. In a case were you would like to monitor the jobs via PowerShell is not possible at the moment due to the lack of support by the command Get-VBREPJob.
When is this going to fixed? In the next release, or sooner?
For clarity - there is a known issue with cmdlets such as Get-VBREPJob where it does not correctly return any data and the workaround for the time being is use something like below: