a customer had problems with Remote Powershell and external SQL Server.
Using CredSSP together with invoke-command.
Same customer uses VMware orchestrator for automation.
VMware Orechstrator do not support CredSSP.
Passing Credentials to CredSSP
Some Veeam commands need a connection to vcenter Server.
Together with Remote Powershell you see the error:
Failed to login to "vcenter.demolab.an.veeam.de" by SOAP, port 443, user "vcenter\Administrator", proxy srv: port:0
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (Veeam.Backup.Po...FindVBRViEntity:FindVBRViEntity) [Find-VBRViEntity], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Backup,Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.Command.FindVBRViEntity
You need to enhance the MaxMemoryPerShell on Veeam B&R Server.
set-item wsman:localhost\Shell\MaxMemorPerShellMB 512
See also: http://forums.veeam.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8269
Thank you to Marc Seitz, Tom Sightler and Seth Bartlett. They found the solutions that I used here in the example script all together.
Example script:
Code: Select all
# To activate CredSSP on a Client:
# enable-wsmancredssp -role client -delegatecomputer backup, backup.demolab.an.veeam.de, vcenter, vcenter.demolab.an.veeam.de
# If you see the following error:
# If you use a separate SQL Server, please add them as well.
#Failed to login to "vcenter.demolab.an.veeam.de" by SOAP, port 443, user "vcenter\Administrator", proxy srv: port:0
# + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (Veeam.Backup.Po...FindVBRViEntity:FindVBRViEntity) [Find-VBRViEntity], Exception
# + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Backup,Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.Command.FindVBRViEntity
# You need to enhance the MaxMemoryPerShell on Veeam B&R Server.
# set-item wsman:localhost\Shell\MaxMemorPerShellMB 512
#If you see: Warning: You should update your PowerShell to PowerSehll 2.0 version. => Ignore it.
#invoke-command are not able to pass variables or output back. So you do not see any output in this example.
#set-item wsman:localhost\Shell\MaxMemoryPerShellMB 512
$backupserver = "backup.demolab.an.veeam.de"
$username = "demolab\Administrator"
$password = convertto-securestring -string "Sumsi1!" -asplaintext -force
$credentials = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $Username, $Password
$session = New-PSSession $backupserver #-authentication CredSSP -Credential $credentials
invoke-command -session $session -scriptblock{
Add-PSSnapin -Name VeeamPSSnapIn -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$vcenter = "vcenter.demolab.an.veeam.de" #Your Hostname or IP Address of ESX(i) or VCenter (see B&R console for correct name)
$searchstring = "AD" #Search String. Here as example VM AD
$vcenterobject = Get-VBRServer -Name $vcenter
$searchobject = Find-VBRViEntity -Server $vcenterobject -Name $searchstring
Remove-PSSession $session