I would like to output an Excel table with the following columns:
- Order (JobName)
- StartTime
- Days of the week (
- Type (incremental, copy, full)
- Backup objective
- Volume (size)
- duration (
- Retention Point (number)
Folgendes Script hätte ich hierfür hergenommen:
Code: Select all
# Get all Backup Tasks
$bodyAllTasksBk = $null
If ($showAllTasksBk) {
If ($taskListBk.count -gt 0) {
If ($showDetailedBk) {
$bodyAllTasksBk = $taskListBk | Select @{Name="VM Name"; Expression = {$_.Name}},
@{Name="Job Name"; Expression = {$_.JobSess.Name}},
@{Name="Start Time"; Expression = {$_.Progress.StartTime}},
@{Name="Duration (HH:MM:SS)"; Expression = {Get-Duration -ts $_.Progress.Duration}},
@{Name="Total (GB)"; Expression = {[Math]::Round($_.Progress.ProcessedSize/1GB,2)}},
Status | Sort "Start Time"
Unfortunately, I also have too little Powershell experience, especially in connection with Veeam, to achieve a result here.
Would be great if someone could help here.