Myself and a Friend wrote a powershell script that runs this tool against all the backup jobs, produces a HTML file and then emails this to a given recipient,
It's by no way perfect, and took us a late night to get working, but it works.
You can then setup a task schedule to run this as and when you need it.
I hope someone out there finds it useful
Code: Select all
#Set the Output file location
$VeeamOutputFile = c:\Powershell\VMe-$jobname-$date.html
#Set the sending email address and destination address
$SenderAddr =
$DestinationAddr =
#Set the email server
$SMTPServer =
#Do not edit anything below this line#
Add-PSSnapIn VeeamPSSNapin
$date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1).ToString('dd-MM-yyyy')
set-location "C:\Program Files\Veeam\Backup and Replication\Backup"
$jobs = get-vbrjob
foreach ($job in $jobs)
$jobname = $
#This is to display the Job Names in the console for troubleshooting
write-output $jobname
#Runs the exe file with the necessary parameters
.\veeam.backup.validator.exe /backup:"$jobname" /format:html /report:"$VeeamOutputFile"
#Set the location of the output file
$JobFile = $VeeamOutputFile
#Sends the output files to a recipient
send-mailmessage -from "<$SenderAddr>" -to "<$DestinationAddr>" -subject "Veeam Validation Report for $jobname" -body "Report Attached." -Attachments "$JobFile" -priority High -dno onSuccess, onFailure -smtpServer $SMTPServer