I am trying to change media pool used by a Veeam tape job via powershell so I can schedule the change at month end.
It seems though, that setting this parameter will reset the schedule options.
I have tried to copy the schedule options with
Code: Select all
$options = $job.ScheduleOptions
Code: Select all
$job | Set-VBRBackupToTapeJob -FullBackupMediaPool Weekly_Export_1 -ScheduleOptions $options
but with no luck. The options show to be correct from powershell, but from the gui the job has nothing under the "next run" column (however in the tape job options, it has changed the chosen "After this job" to be the first in the list).
Any help on how to schedule a change in Media pool for a tape job, without resetting or changing any other job properties, would be appreciated.