Code: Select all
$RestorePoint = Get-VBRRestorePoint -Name $VMName | Sort-Object -Property CreationTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
$RestoreHost = Get-VBRServer -Type HvServer -Name $TestHostname
Start-VBRHvRestoreVM -RestorePoint $RestorePoint -Server $RestoreHost -VMName $RestoredVMName -Path C:\VMs\$RestoredVMName -PreserveVmID $true
When we run
Code: Select all
Get-VBRBackup | Select Name | Sort-Object Name -Descending
Code: Select all
Offsite - Priority 2 - Windows Vms
Offsite - Priority 2 - Linux VMs
Offsite - Priority 1 - Windows VMs
Offsite - Priority 1 - Linux VMs
Offsite - Agent Priority 1 - Windows VMs
Offsite - Agent Priority 1 - MSExchange
Local - Priority 2 - Windows VMs
Local - Priority 2 - Linux VMs
Local - Priority 1 - Windows VMs
Local - Priority 1 - Linux VMs
I do not want to pull these from Azure, to cut down on data usage.
Since I can't find a local backup, I can't proceed and use
Code: Select all
Code: Select all