Hi all,
since I'm a total noob in powershell and I can only modify scripts made from others , I need some help on this: I created a script to modify the VM notes attributes like this:
That is the very "powershelly" way to do it, I could make it prettier, but it works nicely
Skype: Sethbartlett88 - Make sure to label who you are and why you want to add me
Twitter: @sethbartlett
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I short hand everything I can, Jobs have a method called "IsBackup" and it returns true/false. If you just said if($Job.IsBackup) it assumes you mean true.
Skype: Sethbartlett88 - Make sure to label who you are and why you want to add me
Twitter: @sethbartlett
If my post was helpful, please like it. Sometimes twitter is quicker to hit me up if you need me.