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Check backup status of vm in job - if failed - restart vm

Post by StefanB »

Hello, maybe someone can help me with the correct code to run any command (e.g. restart whole vm) if the last backup of specific vm failed in the scheduled backup job.

Already found the code to check the last Status with findlastsession/gettasksessions:

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asnp VeeamPSSnapin
$VMName = "Name_of_VM"
$Job = Get-VBRJob -Name "Name_of_Backup_Job"
$Session = $Job.FindLastSession()
$Tasks = $Session.GetTaskSessions()
$Tasks | ?{$_.Name -eq $VMName} | %{write-host $_.Name ":" $_.Status}
Output is e.g.
Name_of_VM : Failed

Need something like this, but for a specific vm if status is 'failed' - instead of a whole job.

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asnp VeeamPSSnapin
$Job = Get-VBRJob -name "Name of your job"
If ($job.GetLastresult() -eq "Warning" -or $job.GetLastresult() -eq "Success")
Place your commands here that you want to start
} Else {}
Thanks for any help.
Veeam Software
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Re: Check backup status of vm in job - if failed - restart v

Post by tdewin »

Didn't test it but I believe you can do something like this

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$Tasks | ? {$_.Name -eq $VMName -and $_.Status -eq "Failed"} | %{
write-host $_.Name ":" $_.Status
or if you want both failed and warning

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$Tasks | ? {$_.Name -eq $VMName -and $_.Status -in @("Failed","Warning")} | %{
write-host $_.Name ":" $_.Status
Of course it depends. If you want to do something in both case (if/else), you will need a different construct. If however, you want to do something when a VM fails, you can use this "for loop" construction, because, the VM should only occur once in the job itself and thus the command runs 0 (no failed session for vm) or 1 time (failed session for vm)
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Re: Check backup status of vm in job - if failed - restart v

Post by StefanB »

Yep, this will work.

Can anyone help me with the code if we really want to work with both case (if/else) and the needed code construct?
Veeam Software
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Full Name: Timothy Dewin

Re: Check backup status of vm in job - if failed - restart v

Post by tdewin » 1 person likes this post

Something like this

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if($($Tasks | ? {$_.Name -eq $VMName -and $_.Status -eq "Failed"}) -ne $null) {
 write-host "Failed"
} else {
 write-host "All good"
I actually test this code quickly to see if chrome is missing so it should work:

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if ($(get-process | ? { $_.Name -match "chrome"}) -ne $null) { write-host "running" } else { write-host "not running" }
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Re: Check backup status of vm in job - if failed - restart v

Post by StefanB »

Great! Thank you. Works perfect.
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