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Create Backupjobs with Powershell

Post by Achim.Z. »

Hi together;

first: I am a n00b in Powershell, usually i use VB(s).
For one of our customers, I tried to create the backupjobs in Veeam 4.1 with powershell.
I tried to use the following command:

Add-VBRBackupJob JobName NET "nbd" "NAS.fqdn" "\Backup\Veeam" "BackupFileName" -Objects "vMachine.fqdn"

JobName = name of the job
NET "nbd" = BackupType "Network" with no additional options
NAS.fqdn = Target NAS with full qualified domain name
\Backup\Veeam = share on NAS with one subdirectory
BackupFileName = name the "created" file shall have
-Objects "vMachine.fqdn" = what virtualmachine should be backuped

As i understood from help, NAS.fqdn is the destination of the backup. It is the "Host".
I get the errormessage: "Unknown host"
If i try to ping the NAS by IP or by name from the Servermachine where VeeamBackup is running, I always get the right answers.
If create the job via gui, it works well.

We use Veeam 4.1 VCenter 4.1 and ESX4 (will be updated)

thank 4 help/ideas
Achim Z.
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Re: Create Backupjobs with Powershell

Post by Gostev »

Hello, when backing up to share, target should be specified as "My Computer" (just like when you are setting the job with UI).

Also, please not there are existing topics about creating the job with PowerShell (can be useful):
http://www.veeam.com/forums/search.php? ... RBackupJob
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Re: Create Backupjobs with Powershell

Post by Achim.Z. »

Thanks, wasn't sure - but now i am
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