The EP-CopyJob only copies backups, if the last one is not older than 2 days (?). Is there a setting to change this?
Physical desktop computers are not running 24/7 at our place, so there is no current backup available from a pc if the colleague is at vacation.
The not perfect solution was to dynamically create a new Endpoint-CopyJob with only the EP-Jobs that where successfully running in the last 24 h. This works, but the encryption is not enabled, even if I set it. Via PS it looks like it is set, but not via GUI. The result is an unencrypted vbk.
An extract of the PS:
Code: Select all
$EP_Repository = Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name $repository_Extern
Add-VBREpBackupCopyJob -Name $jobname_Extern -Backup $EP_BackupJobs_OK -DirectOperation -Repository $EP_repository
$EP_Key = Get-VBREncryptionKey -Description $EP_KeyName;
if (!$EP_Key)
exit 14;
$copyjobs | Set-VBRJobAdvancedStorageOptions -EnableEncryption $true -EncryptionKey $EP_Key;
Is there an error in my script to enable the encryption?