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Creating a backup job through powershell starts job directly

Post by jwz88 »


I created a simple script to create a backup job. When this gets created it directly starts the backup job.
I don't want this to happen, I want it to follow the schedule I submitted with the Job. Any tips?

Add-VBRViBackupJob -Name "$SERVERNAAM" -BackupRepository "Default Backup Repository" -Entity (Find-VBRViEntity -Server "" -VMsAndTemplates -Name "$SERVERNAAM")
$Job = Get-VBRJob -Name "$SERVERNAAM"
$JobOptions = Get-VBRJobOptions $Job
$JobOptions.BackupTargetOptions.TransformFullToSyntethic = $false
$JobOptions.BackupStorageOptions.EnableFullBackup = $true
$JobOptions.BackupStorageOptions.RetainCycles = $SNAPSHOTS
Set-VBRJobOptions $Job -Options $JobOptions
$ScheduleOptions = Get-VBRJobScheduleOptions $Job
$ScheduleOptions.OptionsDaily.Enabled = $true
$ScheduleOptions.OptionsDaily.Kind = "Weekdays"
$ScheduleOptions.OptionsDaily.Time = "22:00:00"
Set-VBRJobScheduleOptions -Job ($Job) -Options ($ScheduleOptions)
Enable-VBRJobSchedule -Job ($Job)
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Re: Creating a backup job through powershell starts job dire

Post by veremin »

Can you tell me what time you can see if go to the job schedule settings right after the job has been created? Thanks.
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Re: Creating a backup job through powershell starts job dire

Post by jwz88 »

It shows on the main page:

after a few seconds this changes to: Next run, current time + 5 minutes.

When opening the job it shows the correct schedule.
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Re: Creating a backup job through powershell starts job dire

Post by veremin »

Hmm, what happens if you try to use slightly different syntax? Will it make any difference?

Code: Select all

$ScheduleOptions = $Job.GetScheduleOptions()
$ScheduleOptions.OptionsContinuous.Enabled = $false
$ScheduleOptions.OptionsMonthly.Enabled = $false
$ScheduleOptions.OptionsPeriodically.Enabled = $false
$ScheduleOptions.OptionsScheduleAfterJob.IsEnabled = $false
$ScheduleOptions.OptionsDaily.Enabled = $true
$ScheduleOptions.OptionsDaily.Kind = "Weekdays"
$ScheduleOptions.OptionsDaily.Time = "13:00:00"
Set-VBRJobScheduleOptions -Job ($Job) -Options ($ScheduleOptions)
I also assume you're on the latest product version, right?

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Re: Creating a backup job through powershell starts job dire

Post by jwz88 »

Same occurs. It adds the backup job and the next run is first set on <Scheduled>.
After a few seconds it changes to the current time + 5 minutes as next run time, while the schedule is for 22:00:00

Running on latest version,
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Re: Creating a backup job through powershell starts job dire

Post by veremin »

We have number of issues related to schedule configuration working improperly in case of PS. So, this must be another instance of those. We're going to review it thoroughly and try to make sure that previous issues won't leak into the next product version. Thanks.
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