All content has only been tested in my environment using Reverse Incremental chains with Per VM Backup Files on Update 4 (
Jobs with SQL log processing are not addressed
Apply at your own risk
This topic is related to but not the same as: powershell-f26/creating-vbm-from-scratch-t20568.html
I recently had an instance where I needed to import a backup but the .VBM file required was no longer present. I engaged Veeam support and with my settings (Per VM, Reverse Incremental) they didn't have a good solution for me and recommended that I just active full everything again to generate a fresh chain. I ended up doing this and things worked just fine as would be expected in a fresh chain, but I decided to figure out how I might be able to do the import in my test environment.
Without a .VBM you can import a backup directly from a .VBK and get the chain of that VM. This however leaves us with two important hurtles to overcome.
- The imported backup is considered to be on a backup repository and cannot be mapped to a job
- The imported backup will only contain the chain of the imported VM, not the data of all the VMs in the backup
Code: Select all
UPDATE [Backup.Model.Backups] SET repository_id = 'REPO ID' WHERE id = 'BACKUP ID'
The second hurtle was where it became a big confusing. Initially I thought that by simply changing the backup_id in all the relevant tables I would be able to combine the manually imported backups into a single working backup. The relevant tables are:
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With this new information I decided instead of remapping the backup_id in [Backup.Model.Points] I would instead decide on one of my imported backups as the "master" and remap the [Backup.Model.OIBs] entry to the "master's" entry in [Backup.Model.Points]. Because these all came from the same job I ended up basing this mapping on creation_time as all entries were identical for each VM. This worked EXACTLY as I had hoped and all VMs now had incremental backups after being merged from multiple manual imported backups and modified in the DB all without a VBM.
The full script I used is here:
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function Invoke-VeeamSQL{
$VeeamSQLServer = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Veeam\Veeam Backup and Replication\' -Name 'SqlServerName'
$VeeamSQLDatabase = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Veeam\Veeam Backup and Replication\' -Name 'SqlDatabaseName'
$VeeamSQLInstace = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Veeam\Veeam Backup and Replication\' -Name 'SqlInstanceName'
$Result = @()
Write-Verbose "SqlServerName: $($VeeamSQLServer)"
Write-Verbose "SqlDatabaseName: $($VeeamSQLDatabase)"
Write-Verbose "SqlInstanceName: $($VeeamSQLInstace)"
Write-Verbose $SQLQuery
$SQLConn = [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection]::New()
$SQLConn.ConnectionString = "Server=$VeeamSQLServer\$VeeamSQLInstace;Database=$VeeamSQLDatabase;Integrated Security=True"
$SQLCmd = [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand]::New()
$SQLCmd.Connection = $SQLConn
$SQLCmd.CommandText = $SQLQuery
$SQLReader = $SQLCmd.ExecuteReader()
$SQLColumns = $SQLReader.GetSchemaTable().ColumnName
$Temp = [PSCustomObject]::new()
foreach($Column in $SQLColumns){
$Temp | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Column -Value $SQLReader[$Column]
$Result += $Temp
return $Result
$Master = Get-VBRBackup | Where-Object {$_.JobId -eq [GUID]::Empty} | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title "Select Master Backup"
$MergeBackups = Get-VBRBackup | Where-Object {$_.JobId -eq [GUID]::Empty -and $ -ne $} | Out-GridView -OutputMode Multiple -Title "Select Backups to Merge"
forEach ($Backup in $MergeBackups){
foreach($Point in Invoke-VeeamSQL -SQLQuery "SELECT * FROM [Backup.Model.Points] WHERE [backup_id] = '$($' order by creation_time"){
#Invoke-VeeamSQL -SQLQuery "SELECT * FROM [Backup.Model.Points] WHERE [backup_id] = '$($' and [creation_time] = (SELECT creation_time FROM [Backup.Model.Points] WHERE [id] = '$($')"
Invoke-VeeamSQL -SQLQuery "UPDATE [Backup.Model.OIBs] SET point_id = (
SELECT id FROM [Backup.Model.Points] WHERE [backup_id] = '$($'
and [creation_time] = (SELECT creation_time FROM [Backup.Model.Points]
WHERE [id] = '$($'))
WHERE point_id = '$($'"
Invoke-VeeamSQL -SQLQuery "UPDATE [Backup.Model.Storages] SET backup_id = '$($' WHERE backup_id = '$($'"
$MergeBackups | Remove-VBRBackup
$Repositories = @(Get-VBRBackupRepository ;Get-VBRBackupRepository -ScaleOut)
$TargetRepo = $Repositories | select name, type, id | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title "Select Repo for Re-Assembled Backup"
Invoke-VeeamSQL -SQLQuery "UPDATE [Backup.Model.Backups] SET repository_id = '$($' WHERE id = '$($'"