I've been working on something that I thought I'd put up for sharing and feedback. I initially had some trouble with the Start-VBRJob, (it doesn't accept some parameters such as -FullBackup / -RetryJob via a variable??) and also detecting when a job had failed. These scripts mimic the 3 retry of the GUI jobs if it detects a failure.
I like having the tape jobs continuously monitor the output directories. I had an issue where if the backup job failed, the file would become available (unlocked) and would start writing to tape. I didn't want this to happen until I could confirm the backup had been successful (or at least given it a few retries). Thus the tape jobs are disabled by default, enabled in the script and have a post script to disable them again.
Hope it helps someone or maybe you can help me with optimisations or ideas.
Environment: Veeam 8 Patch 2, VMWare
Schedule: No scheduling configured through Veeam GUI - Powershell via task scheduler = Daily INCR, Weekly/Monthly/Yearly FULL
Disk Jobs (Retention): DAILY_ (8), WEEKLY_ (1), MONTHLY_ (1), YEARLY_ (1)
Tape Jobs (Continuous & disabled): Offsite Tape Weekly, Offsite Tape Monthly, Offsite Tape Yearly
DAILY_ Script:
Code: Select all
# Daily INCR and Weekly FULL
# Script scheduled for 10PM Monday - Friday and 6:00AM Sunday
# Imports Veeam PowerShell module
Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Veeam\Backup and Replication\Backup\Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.dll"
# Assigns date variable for day checks
$date = Get-Date
$i = 0
function Start-Backup {
param($name, [bool]$full, [bool]$retry)
if ($full -eq $false -AND $retry -eq $false) { Start-VBRJob -Job $name }
if ($full -eq $true -AND $retry -eq $false) { Start-VBRJob -Job $name -FullBackup }
if ($retry -eq $true) { Start-VBRJob -Job $name -RetryBackup }
$job = Get-VBRJob -Name $name
$script:outcome = $job.GetLastResult()
# If weekday - start INCR backup (Disk only)
if ($date.DayOfWeek -eq "Monday" -or $date.DayOfWeek -eq "Tuesday" -or $date.DayOfWeek -eq "Wednesday" -or $date.DayOfWeek -eq "Thursday" -or $date.DayOfWeek -eq "Friday") {
$jobname = "DAILY_"
Start-Backup $jobname $false $false
while ($script:outcome -eq "Failed" -AND $i -le 3) {
Start-Backup $jobname $false $true; $i++ }
# If Sunday - start FULL backup (Disk only)
if ($date.DayOfWeek -eq "Sunday") {
$jobname = "DAILY_"
Start-Backup $jobname $true $false
while ($script:outcome -eq "Failed" -AND $i -le 3) {
Start-Backup $jobname $false $true; $i++ }
Code: Select all
# Checks Saturday @ 6:00AM for:
# First Saturday of the year
# First Saturday of the month
# Saturday
# Starts appropriate job
# Tape jobs continually monitor output directories for new files
# Fresh tapes will need to be managed manually
# Imports Veeam PowerShell module
Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Veeam\Backup and Replication\Backup\Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.dll"
# Assigns date variable for day checks
$date = Get-Date
$i = 0
#Starts backup. Accepts [string]Job Name, [bool]FullBackup, [bool]RetryBackup
function Start-Backup {
param($name, [bool]$full, [bool]$retry)
if ($full -eq $false -AND $retry -eq $false) { Start-VBRJob -Job $name }
if ($full -eq $true -AND $retry -eq $false) { Start-VBRJob -Job $name -FullBackup }
if ($retry -eq $true) { Start-VBRJob -Job $name -RetryBackup }
$job = Get-VBRJob -Name $name
$script:outcome = $job.GetLastResult()
#If yearly (Disk -> Tape)
if ($date.month -eq 1 -and $date.Day -lt 7 -and $date.DayOfWeek -eq "Saturday") {
$jobname = "YEARLY_"
Start-Backup $jobname $true $false
while ($script:outcome -eq "Failed" -AND $i -le 3) {
Start-Backup $jobname $false $true; $i++ }
Enable-VBRJob -job "Offsite Tape Yearly"
#If monthly (Disk -> Tape)
elseif ($date.Day -lt 7 -and $date.DayOfWeek -eq "Saturday") {
$jobname = "MONTHLY_"
Start-Backup $jobname $true $false
while ($script:outcome -eq "Failed" -AND $i -le 3) {
Start-Backup $jobname $false $true; $i++ }
Enable-VBRJob -job "Offsite Tape Monthly"
#If weekly (Disk -> Tape)
elseif ($date.DayOfWeek -eq "Saturday") {
$jobname = "WEEKLY_"
Start-Backup $jobname $true $false
while ($script:outcome -eq "Failed" -AND $i -le 3) {
Start-Backup $jobname $false $true; $i++ }
Enable-VBRJob -job "Offsite Tape Weekly"