PowerShell script exchange
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Full Name: Jeff Couch

Detail Failure Report

Post by jkcouch »

We are backing up around 1000 VMs with Veeam. We just got them all added in and we are trying to sift through and determine why specific VMs within jobs are failing. Has anyone created a script to pull a detailed failure report so i don’t spend hours tracking them down? Enterprise manager is great, but it just doesn’t have good filtering options to get the information you want quickly. I was thinking PowerShell was the way to go, but cannot find what cmdlet houses the information about job history.

I hope in future revisions there is a way to look at backup nodes and jobs in enterprise manager without seeing all the retries as individual sessions. For instance, when you look at the reports tab, you see Backup server name/status/job count/VM count/Source Data Size. The VM count and source data size are not accurate since its only reporting on the last job run, which in our case is the retry job. So when 20 machines are successful and 1 VM is failed it’s not correct. The same thing goes for the Jobs tab. Yes, now you see the jobs listed out, but you don’t get any good information in the columns. Here is where we should have the option of exporting an excel sheet with all the detail error information for successes and failures for ALL jobs on ALL backup nodes. We have 13 virtual nodes each with 4 jobs so going server by server and gathering this information daily is very tedious.

Any help would be awesome as we are adding another 500 VMs to Veeam this next week.

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Full Name: Seth Bartlett

Re: Detail Failure Report

Post by Sethbartlett »

Please check out the following forum article:
Retreive VM failure or warning info via Powershell

This shows how to get warning/error messages for the jobs. In powershell, you can do Get-VBRCommand to get a list of our cmdlets. If you need further help, please detail what kind of filtering you need.
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Full Name: Jeff Couch

Re: Detail Failure Report

Post by jkcouch »

Great Seth! I have been using the powershell module from veeam for a few months, but didnt know where exactly you stored this information. This looks like it is a popular request. I hope this feature in future revisions in a more supported manor.

Here is what I put together based on your previous post in case someone else needs this. I just created a secheduled task so it will run daily. Thanks again for the assistance!

Code: Select all

Add-PSSnapin veeampssnapin

$Date = Get-Date 
$Filename = "\\Serverxxx\sharexxx\Veeam\reporting\FailedBackups" + "_" + "$env:computername" + "_" + $Date.Month + "-" + $Date.Day + "-" + $Date.Year + ".csv"

$Sessions = Get-VBRBackupSession

$report = @()
foreach ($session in $sessions){
	$Info = [Veeam.Backup.Core.CBackupTaskSession]::GetByJobSession($session.id)
	$report += $Info

$FailedBackups = $report | where {$_.status -eq "Failed"}
$FailedBackups | Export-Csv $Filename -NoTypeInformation
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Joined: Nov 10, 2010 6:51 pm
Full Name: Seth Bartlett

Re: Detail Failure Report

Post by Sethbartlett »

Very nice! I love seeing stuff like this. Really neat to see some bigger powershell scripts. I script for fun but to see uses for hundreds of VM's is awesome.
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