I need a script that will tell me how much data was transferred (backed up) in the previous week and then export it to a spreadsheet.
Can someone help me with this?
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Re: Export report to Excel
In the way I see it, the following script should meet your expectations:
Firstly, it will find backup sessions that have been created during the previous week. Then, it gets the total backup data size. Finally, it will create a .xlsx file and pass $backupsize parameter to a first cell. The Excel part is nothing but a sheer example, so feel free to modify it however you want.
Additionally, it might be worth taking a look at these topics regarding advanced PowerShell reporting:
Code: Select all
Asnp VeeamPSSnapin
$Backupsize = 0
Foreach ($Job in Get-VBRJob)
Foreach ($session in Get-VBRBackupSession -Name $Job.name | where {(((Get-date) - $_.CreationTime).days -le "7") })
$Backupsize = $Backupsize + $session.BackupStats.BackupSize
$excel = New-object -comobject Excel.Application
$excel.Visible = $false
$excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Add()
$sheet = $workbook.Worksheets.Item(1)
$sheet.Name = 'Backup Report'
$Cells = $sheet.cells
$Cells.item(1,1) = $Backupsize
$workbook.SaveAs('C:\temp\Backup Report.xlsx')
Firstly, it will find backup sessions that have been created during the previous week. Then, it gets the total backup data size. Finally, it will create a .xlsx file and pass $backupsize parameter to a first cell. The Excel part is nothing but a sheer example, so feel free to modify it however you want.
Additionally, it might be worth taking a look at these topics regarding advanced PowerShell reporting:
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