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Finding which backup files are on different extents causing partial fast clone

Post by squebel »


We have a SOBR with 5 ReFS extents spread across different servers. The SOBR is set to Placement Policy but sometimes backup files get placed into different extents leading to partial fast clone when the job goes to create the synthetic or when it's merging a FFI. I'm wondering if there is an easy way to determine which vm's have their backup files in this situation so I can try to manually move them onto the same extents and hopefully reduce some of the storage IO this is causing.
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Re: Finding which backup files are on different extents causing partial fast clone

Post by karsten123 »

btw: in most cases, this is only happening if the extents have not enough free space (without block clone) or the amount of task slots is saturated.
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Re: Finding which backup files are on different extents causing partial fast clone

Post by squebel »

Yep, the lack of free space I get as to why it would choose to put the files somewhere else. The slots one I get too but is there a way to force it NOT to choose a different extent based on that criteria? The reason I really need the block cloning to work is to reduce the IO on the storage. The array we have just can not handle the small block randomized io that the merge operations generate.
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Re: Finding which backup files are on different extents causing partial fast clone

Post by Mildur » 1 person likes this post

Version 12 has a new option for the placement policy:

https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... ml?ver=120
Strict placement policy enforcement

Instead of using another extend when there is not enough space left, jobs will fail until a backup/server administrator has free up space (remove backups, extend storage, …).

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Re: Finding which backup files are on different extents causing partial fast clone

Post by squebel »

No way to control that in v11? We're just not quite ready to go to v12

And back to the original post... I'm guessing there is no easy way to figure this out? Would have to just track down the file locations?
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Re: Finding which backup files are on different extents causing partial fast clone

Post by karsten123 »

I guess powershell is your friend.
tbh, please involve veeam support. Copying veeam files in SOBR may brick your database.
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Re: Finding which backup files are on different extents causing partial fast clone

Post by squebel »

I move files around in the SOBR all the time and it works just fine. You do a rescan and Veeam picks them up in the new location without issue.
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Re: Finding which backup files are on different extents causing partial fast clone

Post by Mildur »

Hi guys

It is fully supported and won't break the database if you use the process mentioned in the following kb article to move the backup files between extends in the same SOBRs.
No way to control that in v11? We're just not quite ready to go to v12
It's a new option in v12.

I also recommend to ask that question in our PowerShell forum. There may be already provided scripts by other users to list backup files from each extend. Please note, those scripts are all using undocumented .NET commands. We don't have a single PowerShell command to export a list of those files yet.

Another way would to list folder content from each SOBR extend and analyze the list in a excel sheet.

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Re: Finding which backup files are on different extents causing partial fast clone

Post by squebel »

Thanks for the help on this. I've already whipped up a couple simple little ps scripts to help find the location of the backup files. It's fine if there's no easy/official way to do it but that's why I came here to ask.
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Re: Finding which backup files are on different extents causing partial fast clone

Post by Mildur »

I understand. Moved this topic to the PowerShell forum.
Will talk to someone from the PowerShell team. They may know a way to get such list.

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Re: Finding which backup files are on different extents causing partial fast clone

Post by david.domask »

Hey all,

Want to first re-iterate what Fabian mentioned, manually moving backup files between SOBR extents is supported and will not break anything as long as you use the method here: https://www.veeam.com/kb3100

That being said, I have doubts you will see a significant improvement now that the block sizes are broken between the points. It might help a little, but you're not going to get Fast Clone speeds. You might be able to get partial fast clone, so expect it still to hang a little.


Try my functions here for getting the backups on extents, problematic files, etc.

I have _briefly_ tested it on v12, and it does work there too (the v11 version), but I've not really tested carefully with the new True PerVM so there may be some issues.
David Domask | Product Management: Principal Analyst
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