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Get last result for Windows Agent job and Tape job

Post by cornel.florea »

Hello ,

I am trying to build a failure report for all types of sessions. I manage do get the results with Get-VBRBackupSession

but the Tape jobs and Windows agent jobs are not included. I tried Get-VBRComputerBackupJobSession but it doesn't filter anything.

any other way to get Tape and Agent jobs?
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Full Name: Oleg Feoktistov

Re: Get last result for Windows Agent job and Tape job

Post by oleg.feoktistov »

Hi and welcome to the R&D Forums!

For agent backup job sessions use Get-VBRComputerBackupJobSession. As for tape job sessions - we have Get-VBRSession, but we are planning to enhance tape sessions support in future releases since this cmdlet is pretty old and takes info from table with general info anyways. It also does require -Job parameter, so you'll need to loop over tape jobs array:

Code: Select all

$tapeJobs = Get-VBRTapeJob
foreach ($tapeJob in $tapeJobs) {
  Get-VBRSession -Job $tapeJob
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Re: Get last result for Windows Agent job and Tape job

Post by oleg.feoktistov »

Forgot to mention that we are aware of filtering issues with Get-VBRComputerBackupJobSession cmdlet and already created bug for that.
You might try using the code below though for getting the last agent backup job session:

Code: Select all

$session = Get-VBRComputerBackupJobSession | Sort-Object -Descending -Property CreationTime
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Re: Get last result for Windows Agent job and Tape job

Post by Joelex1 »


I have the below script that provides the list of backup jobs that ran over the last 24 hours which includes client names - it work for VM's but not agent backups.

Not getting far with Get-VBRComputerBackupJobSession. Is there a way to get similar output for agent backups?

Code: Select all

#get jobs which run for last 24 hours
$vbrsessions = Get-VBRBackupSession | Where-Object {$_.JobType -eq "Backup" -and $_.EndTime -ge (Get-Date).addhours(-24)}
#get each client from the job 
$clients = @()
foreach ($session in $vbrsessions) {
$clients += $session.gettasksessions()| Select Jobname, Name, Status,@{n='StartTimeLocal';e={$_.Progress.StartTimeLocal}}, @{n='EndTimeLocal';e={$_.Progress.StopTimeLocal}} }
Veeam Software
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Full Name: Oleg Feoktistov

Re: Get last result for Windows Agent job and Tape job

Post by oleg.feoktistov »

Yes, GetTaskSessions() method doesn't exist in an entity you get with Get-VBRComputerBackupJobSession.
Have you tried using official Get-VBRTaskSession cmdlet instead?

Code: Select all

$sessions = Get-VBRComputerBackupJobSession
foreach ($session in $sessions) {
  Get-VBRTaskSession -Session $session
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Re: Get last result for Windows Agent job and Tape job

Post by ian6754 »

Hi, I've been trying to work through this and while the snip posted does work, the equivalent one liner doesn't.

Code: Select all

Get-VBRComputerBackupJobSession | % { Get-VBRTaskSession -Session $_ }
Any idea why this doesn't work? It does work if the Get-VBRComputerBackupJobSession command in enclosed by parentheses if that casts any light on the issue. I'm not a Powershell guru but I'm guessing the parentheses are coercing the return type somehow the same as assigning it to a variable does. Is this a bug?

Code: Select all

(Get-VBRComputerBackupJobSession) | % { Get-VBRTaskSession -Session $_ }
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Re: Get last result for Windows Agent job and Tape job

Post by david.domask »

Hi @ian6754

It's because of how the pipeline handles the passing of the output of the two commands. The first returns a List and the later returns individual objects, and powershell can't transform the List to a VBRSession Object:

Code: Select all

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-VBRComputerBackupJobSession | Foreach{$_.GetType()}

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     True     List`1                                   System.Object

PS C:\Users\Administrator> ^C
PS C:\Users\Administrator> (Get-VBRComputerBackupJobSession) | Foreach{$_.GetType()}

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     False    VBRSession                               Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.Infos.VBRUniqueObject
True     False    VBRSession                               Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.Infos.VBRUniqueObject
True     False    VBRSession                               Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.Infos.VBRUniqueObject
So your solution is pretty valid :) I would actually just avoid the one-liner and do it:

Code: Select all

$Sessions = Get-VBRComputerBackupJobSession
Foreach($s in $Sessions){
Get-VBRTaskSession -Session $s
Main reason is it's easier to read, it's the same amount of code more or less, and then I've got the session stored at $s and can do more reporting/manipulation on it easier, but its just a personal preference, and obviously isn't quite as lean as a one-liner.

Edit: So in summary, it's because in fact it's not the equivalent one liner ;) The PS Object passed is the List result with the first, but executing it first as a sub-query passes the resulting sessions individually.
David Domask | Product Management: Principal Analyst
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Re: Get last result for Windows Agent job and Tape job

Post by Suryanarayanan »

below script will work for you

Code: Select all

$job =Get-VBRComputerBackupJob
foreach ($sessions in $job) 
$jname = Get-VBRComputerBackupJobSession -Name "$($sessions.Name)?*"
$jname1=$jname| where-object {$_.EndTime -ge (Get-Date).addhours(-24)}
foreach ($session in $jname1) 
Get-VBRTaskSession -Session $session| Select-Object -Property Name,@{n='Jobname';e= {$($sessions.Name)}},status,@{n='StartTime';e={$_.Progress.StartTimeLocal}}, @{n='EndTime';e={$_.Progress.StopTimeLocal}},@{n='TransferedSizeinMB';e={[math]::Round(($_.Progress.TransferedSize/1048576),2)}}
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