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Re: Get tape content via powershell
My SQL query has an issue with a join returning extra information. bnieman, maybe your database team can fix my query, and in return they get the tape inventory they requested. I think the problem is properly matching up the media_sequence_number in Tape.Tape_mediums and Tape.File_parts. Through all my joins, I am getting fields linked that shouldn't be. I have this diagrammed in a color-coded Excel spreadsheet if you are up for the challenge. Thanks.
- Veeam Software
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Re: Get tape content via powershell
Thank you for the time you put into this. Did you achieve any further progress so far? Since Find-VBRTapeCatalog is not supported anymore the SQL solution seems to be a great idea. 

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Re: Get tape content via powershell
Is anyone have a working experience how to get tape content via powershell or API?
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Re: Get tape content via powershell
Well hello again everyone! I am back with an updated tape inventory script! I've spot-checked my results multiple times and they seem to be accurate. Hopefully we can finally get this question answered after almost four years of it being asked!
Here is the SQL query with the snippet of PowerShell code at the header if you wish to export to a CSV file, which I highly recommend.
If anyone is good with macros, maybe they could script these steps in Excel?
1. Bold top row
2. Freeze top row (View, Freeze Panes, Freeze Top Row)
3. Enable data filter on all columns (highlight entire worksheet, Data, Filter)
4. Save as .xlsx

Here is the SQL query with the snippet of PowerShell code at the header if you wish to export to a CSV file, which I highly recommend.
Code: Select all
File Name: VeeamTapeInventory.sql
This query will display a list of tapes sorted by barcode id, along with the file name/size, tape space used/free, and where the tape is located whether vaulted or in a library slot.
By winnt posted to Veeam forum on May 3, 2018
I have found this query most useful when exported to a CSV file from a PowerShell script such as this:
# ------- ExportVeeamTapeInventory.ps1 -------
# PowerShell script that runs an SQL query to inventory tapes within Veeam and then exports to a CSV file
# By winnt posted to Veeam forum on May 3, 2018
# ****************************************************************************************
# You will need to install the SQL Server PowerShell Module
# You need to change the Veeam backup server / SQL Server name/instance to match yours.
# You need to change the $ScriptDir and $ReportDir variables, or leave them as-is and make
# sure the paths exist for this script file, the SQL input file, and exported tape report.
# ****************************************************************************************
$VeeamSqlServer = 'WPBACKUP01\veeamsql2012'
$ScriptDir = 'C:\Scripts\Veeam'
$ReportDir = 'C:\Scripts\Veeam\Reports'
Add-PSSnapin SqlServerCmdletSnapin100
Add-PSSnapin SqlServerProviderSnapin100
$date = Get-Date -format "yyyyMMdd-HHmmss"
$TapeInventory = Invoke-Sqlcmd -InputFile $ScriptDir\VeeamTapeInventory.sql -ServerInstance "$VeeamSQLServer"
$TapeInventory | Export-Csv $ReportDir\VeeamTapeInventory_$Date.csv -NoTypeInformation
Write-Host "Tape inventory has been exported to: "
Write-Host "$ReportDir\VeeamTapeInventory_$Date.csv"
# ------- ExportVeeamTapeInventory.ps1 -------
USE VeeamBackup;
WITH PathInfo AS
,FolderPath = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(800), name)
FROM [dbo].[Tape.directories]
,FolderPath = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(800), cte.FolderPath+'\'+TempTD.name)
FROM [dbo].[Tape.directories] TempTD
JOIN PathInfo cte ON cte.Id = TempTD.Parent_Id
TTM_Barcode AS BarcodeID,
TH_Name AS Backup_Server,
TF_Name AS File_Name,
TFP_Incompletion AS FileSegmentNumber,
TTM_Protected AS IsTapeProtected,
Tape_Physical_Location IS NULL THEN 'Offline'
ELSE Tape_Physical_Location
END AS Tape_Physical_Location,
TB_Name AS Tape_Backup_Job,
TBS_Name AS Tape_Backup_Set,
TBS_ExpirationDate AS Tape_Backup_Set_Expiration,
TTM_LastWriteTime AS Last_Write_Time,
TTM_Description AS Tape_Description,
TMP_Name AS Tape_Media_Pool,
TMP_Description AS Tape_Media_Pool_Description
(SELECT TFV.file_id AS TFV_FileID,
TFV.backup_set_id AS TFV_BackupSetID,
CAST(TFV.Size / 1073741824.0E AS DECIMAL(10, 2)) AS File_Size_GB,
TF.directory_id AS TF_DirectoryID,
TF.name AS TF_Name,
TFP.media_sequence_number AS TFP_MediaSequenceNumber,
TFP.file_version_id AS TFP_FileVersionID,
TFP.incompletion AS TFP_Incompletion,
TH.name AS TH_Name,
PathInfo.folderpath AS Folder_Path
FROM [Tape.file_versions] AS TFV
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[Tape.file_parts] TFP
ON TFV.id = TFP.file_version_id
LEFT JOIN [Tape.files] TF
ON TFV.file_id = TF.id
LEFT JOIN [Tape.directories] TD
ON TF.directory_id = TD.id
LEFT JOIN [Tape.hosts] TH
ON TD.host_id = TH.id
ON PathInfo.id = TD.id
) AS FileParts
TTM.barcode as TTM_Barcode,
TTM.media_sequence_number AS TTM_MediaSequenceNumber,
TTM.location_address AS TTM_LocationAddress,
TTM.Last_Write_Time AS TTM_LastWriteTime,
TTM.Description AS TTM_Description,
CASE TTM.Protected
WHEN '0' THEN 'No'
WHEN '1' THEN 'Yes'
ELSE 'Other'
END AS TTM_Protected,
TTMBS.tape_medium_id AS TTMBS_TapeMediumID,
TTMBS.backup_set_id AS TTMBS_BackupSetID,
TBS.name AS TBS_Name,
TBS.backup_id AS TBS_BackupID,
TBS.expiration_date AS TBS_ExpirationDate,
TB.name AS TB_Name,
TMV.description AS TMV_Description,
TMV.name AS TMV_Name,
CAST(TTM.Capacity / 1073741824.0E AS DECIMAL(10, 2)) AS Tape_Capacity_GB,
CAST(TTM.Remaining / 1073741824.0E AS DECIMAL(10, 2)) AS Tape_Remaining_GB,
TL.Name AS TL_Name,
TL.tape_server_id AS TL_TapeServerID,
TTM.Location_type AS TTM_LocationType,
CASE TTM.Location_Type
WHEN '0' THEN TL.Name + ' - Tape Drive'
WHEN '1' THEN TL.Name + ' - Slot ' + CAST((TTM.Location_Address + 1) AS NVARCHAR(255))
WHEN '2' THEN 'Tape Vault - ' + TMV.Name
ELSE 'Other'
END AS Tape_Physical_Location,
TMP.name AS TMP_Name,
TMP.Description AS TMP_Description
FROM [Tape.tape_mediums] AS TTM
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[Tape.tape_medium_backup_sets] TTMBS
ON TTM.id = TTMBS.tape_medium_id
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[Tape.backup_sets] TBS
ON TTMBS.backup_set_id = TBS.id
LEFT JOIN [Tape.backups] TB
ON TBS.backup_id = TB.id
LEFT JOIN [Tape.media_in_vaults] TMIV
ON TTM.id = TMIV.media_id
LEFT JOIN [Tape.media_vaults] TMV
ON TMIV.vault_id = TMV.id
LEFT JOIN [Tape.libraries] TL
ON TTM.location_library_id = TL.id
INNER JOIN [Tape.media_pools] TMP
ON media_pool_id = TMP.id
) AS BackupSets
ON BackupSets.TBS_ID = FileParts.TFV_BackupSetID
AND BackupSets.TTM_MediaSequenceNumber = FileParts.TFP_MediaSequenceNumber
1. Bold top row
2. Freeze top row (View, Freeze Panes, Freeze Top Row)
3. Enable data filter on all columns (highlight entire worksheet, Data, Filter)
4. Save as .xlsx
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Re: Get tape content via powershell
Here is the PowerShell script separated out.
Code: Select all
# ------- ExportVeeamTapeInventory.ps1 -------
# PowerShell script that runs an SQL query to inventory tapes within Veeam and then exports to a CSV file
# By winnt posted to Veeam forum on May 3, 2018
# ****************************************************************************************
# You will need to install the SQL Server PowerShell Module
# You need to change the Veeam backup server / SQL Server name/instance to match yours.
# You need to change the $ScriptDir and $ReportDir variables, or leave them as-is and make
# sure the paths exist for this script file, the SQL input file, and exported tape report.
# ****************************************************************************************
$VeeamSqlServer = 'WPBACKUP01\veeamsql2012'
$ScriptDir = 'C:\Scripts\Veeam'
$ReportDir = 'C:\Scripts\Veeam\Reports'
Add-PSSnapin SqlServerCmdletSnapin100
Add-PSSnapin SqlServerProviderSnapin100
$date = Get-Date -format "yyyyMMdd-HHmmss"
$TapeInventory = Invoke-Sqlcmd -InputFile $ScriptDir\VeeamTapeInventory.sql -ServerInstance "$VeeamSQLServer"
$TapeInventory | Export-Csv $ReportDir\VeeamTapeInventory_$Date.csv -NoTypeInformation
Write-Host "Tape inventory has been exported to: "
Write-Host "$ReportDir\VeeamTapeInventory_$Date.csv"
# ------- ExportVeeamTapeInventory.ps1 -------
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Re: Get tape content via powershell
Winnt, you are fantastic. This is fantastic. It shouldn't be this difficult!
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[MERGED] find out which tape(s) were used for a job run
VEEAM B&R 8.0 (yes, I know I should upgrade).
After VEEAM writes a backup to tape, I'd like to determine programmatically (using PowerShell) which tape(s) were used for a job, and other details such as the media set, the sequence number of each tape, etc. This is so I can automate an email to our tape storage provider telling them what tapes to collect/drop off.
What commands can give the required output? I've tried Get-VBRTapeBackup but this returns "WARNING: This cmdlet is obsolete and no longer supported" which makes me reluctant to use it. That said, the output object of this command has the method GetOibsTape, which looks promising, if a bit fiddly (shows the media set, etc). Still, I would prefer a solution that doesn't complain about being unsupported every time it's run.
Anyone have any tips, or has implemented something similar? Thanks in advance!
After VEEAM writes a backup to tape, I'd like to determine programmatically (using PowerShell) which tape(s) were used for a job, and other details such as the media set, the sequence number of each tape, etc. This is so I can automate an email to our tape storage provider telling them what tapes to collect/drop off.
What commands can give the required output? I've tried Get-VBRTapeBackup but this returns "WARNING: This cmdlet is obsolete and no longer supported" which makes me reluctant to use it. That said, the output object of this command has the method GetOibsTape, which looks promising, if a bit fiddly (shows the media set, etc). Still, I would prefer a solution that doesn't complain about being unsupported every time it's run.
Anyone have any tips, or has implemented something similar? Thanks in advance!
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Re: Get tape content via powershell
Check the scripts provided above; should be close to what you're looking for. Thanks.
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Getting tape content
I scheduled a "Files to Tape" job for which I'd like to get its contents to verify that information was backed up properly.
I opened a case (case #03130555) about this and they pointed me back to this forum, to this thread specifically:
https://forums.veeam.com/powershell-f26 ... 22142.html
On that thread the cmdlet Find-VBRTapeCatalog is mentioned. But when I run this on Veeam 9.5, I get the following error:
It *does* seem like content is listed, but I'm not sure how well that works. I also get a deprecation warning.
I've been trying to find alternatives, but couldn't find one (for example, Get-VBRFilesInRestorePoint does not seem to work with "Files to Tape" jobs).
Do other alternative exist to get this kind of information?
I scheduled a "Files to Tape" job for which I'd like to get its contents to verify that information was backed up properly.
I opened a case (case #03130555) about this and they pointed me back to this forum, to this thread specifically:
https://forums.veeam.com/powershell-f26 ... 22142.html
On that thread the cmdlet Find-VBRTapeCatalog is mentioned. But when I run this on Veeam 9.5, I get the following error:
Code: Select all
Find-VBRTapeCatalog : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
t line:1 char:1
Find-VBRTapeCatalog | select {$_.Parent.Path.Parent.Path}, name, {$_. ...
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Find-VBRTapeCatalog], NullReferenceException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.NullReferenceException,Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.Cmdlets.FindVBRTapeCatalog
I've been trying to find alternatives, but couldn't find one (for example, Get-VBRFilesInRestorePoint does not seem to work with "Files to Tape" jobs).
Do other alternative exist to get this kind of information?
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Re: Get tape content via powershell
An alternative is provided on the last page of this thread; the one that operates with configuration db directly. Thanks.
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[MERGED] Full/incremental backup to tape report
Hey all,
Wondering if anyone has created or may be able to help point me in the right direction to create a couple of pretty basic reports for tape backups. Not a powershell guru by any means and each time I attempt to create these I just can't seem to pull the correct information. The tape report that can be generated from Veeam ONE has all the information, it just has too much information and the report keeps getting bigger and bigger with information I no longer need. So what I end up having to do is run the report from Veeam ONE, then manually copy/paste the information I need into a spreadsheet. Here is what I am trying to accomplish:
Report #1:
Powershell script that pulls the following information for all full backup to tape jobs (ran once a month after all jobs have completed):
Job name, Restore Point, Tapes used for only FULL backup to tape jobs for the current month.
Detail: We do a full backup to tape run each month then when off siting tapes to our DR location, all tapes get stuck into a bin with a printed report for restore purposes that contains a list with all tape jobs and the associated tapes for the given month/tape job. These tapes are retained forever, never being over written.
Report #2:
Powershell script that pulls the following information for all incremental to tape jobs:
Job name, Restore point, Tapes used for only incremental to tape jobs for the current day (report would be executed daily).
Appreciate any help or advice anyone may have.
Wondering if anyone has created or may be able to help point me in the right direction to create a couple of pretty basic reports for tape backups. Not a powershell guru by any means and each time I attempt to create these I just can't seem to pull the correct information. The tape report that can be generated from Veeam ONE has all the information, it just has too much information and the report keeps getting bigger and bigger with information I no longer need. So what I end up having to do is run the report from Veeam ONE, then manually copy/paste the information I need into a spreadsheet. Here is what I am trying to accomplish:
Report #1:
Powershell script that pulls the following information for all full backup to tape jobs (ran once a month after all jobs have completed):
Job name, Restore Point, Tapes used for only FULL backup to tape jobs for the current month.
Detail: We do a full backup to tape run each month then when off siting tapes to our DR location, all tapes get stuck into a bin with a printed report for restore purposes that contains a list with all tape jobs and the associated tapes for the given month/tape job. These tapes are retained forever, never being over written.
Report #2:
Powershell script that pulls the following information for all incremental to tape jobs:
Job name, Restore point, Tapes used for only incremental to tape jobs for the current day (report would be executed daily).
Appreciate any help or advice anyone may have.
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Re: Get tape content via powershell
Check the script above; should give you some ideas on how the whole process can be scripted. Thanks.
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[MERGED] List tapes used by an restore point
I would like to produce a list of all VM restore points on tape together with a list of tapes they resides on.
The first part I get with
But how can I get the list of tapes involved in each restore point? I know the list ist included in the session object, but I don't know how to map the restore points to sessions eather.
Can anyone help?
I would like to produce a list of all VM restore points on tape together with a list of tapes they resides on.
The first part I get with
Code: Select all
Get-VBRRestorePoint | ?{$_.GetBackup().JobType -eq "VmTapeBackup"} | select Name, creationtime, Type
Can anyone help?
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Re: Get tape content via powershell
Kindly, see the examples provided above; should be something you're after. Thanks!
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Re: Get tape content via powershell
I tested the script on a new Windows 10 machine, and found that the only PowerShell requirement was to install the SQL Server module:
install-module -name sqlserver
If it prompts to install NuGet, go ahead and install it.
Now, whenever you run .\ExportVeeamTapeInventory.ps1 from a standard PowerShell window (never needed to run from Veeam PowerShell) you won't need to add any snap-ins.
The following lines should also be deleted since they aren't needed:
Add-PSSnapin SqlServerCmdletSnapin100
Add-PSSnapin SqlServerProviderSnapin100
install-module -name sqlserver
If it prompts to install NuGet, go ahead and install it.
Now, whenever you run .\ExportVeeamTapeInventory.ps1 from a standard PowerShell window (never needed to run from Veeam PowerShell) you won't need to add any snap-ins.
The following lines should also be deleted since they aren't needed:
Add-PSSnapin SqlServerCmdletSnapin100
Add-PSSnapin SqlServerProviderSnapin100
- Veeam Software
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- Full Name: Wolfgang Scheer
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Re: Get tape content via powershell
Thank you, winnt for your SQL and PowerShell script! I can confirm, it still works fine in VBR v11!
Wolfgang | CEMEA Solutions Architect | vnote42.net
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[MERGED]WORM Media : List MediaSet Backups before offlining
Looking at implementing WORM Medias to battle and protect against Cyber attack on
infrastructure and VBR Backup repository/ies, I would like, when offlining Media Sets
from lib, joining a hard copy listing of backups stored on medias.
Any ideas how to achieve it and automate it from Powershell ?
From Get-VBRTapeMedium, I can retrieve tape media(s) and media set(s)
but any way to query Veeam for listing backups on a given media or mediaset ?
Thanks for suggestions.
Looking at implementing WORM Medias to battle and protect against Cyber attack on
infrastructure and VBR Backup repository/ies, I would like, when offlining Media Sets
from lib, joining a hard copy listing of backups stored on medias.
Any ideas how to achieve it and automate it from Powershell ?
From Get-VBRTapeMedium, I can retrieve tape media(s) and media set(s)
but any way to query Veeam for listing backups on a given media or mediaset ?
Thanks for suggestions.
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- Full Name: Fabian K.
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Re: Get tape content via powershell
Hi Thierry
I moved your post to this topic. I believe you should find a way with the scripts posted in this topic.
If not, let me know.
I moved your post to this topic. I believe you should find a way with the scripts posted in this topic.
If not, let me know.
Product Management Analyst @ Veeam Software
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Re: Get tape content via powershell
Hello Fabian,
Querying SQL seems to make me happy.
Just 2 points I haven't solved yet :
- How to grab library name ? from [dbo].[Tape.tape_mediums], I retrieve a "location_library_id" but cannot link it with [dbo].[Tape.changers].device_id
- How to grab media set name the mediums belong to ?
Thanks for your ideas ...
Querying SQL seems to make me happy.
Just 2 points I haven't solved yet :
- How to grab library name ? from [dbo].[Tape.tape_mediums], I retrieve a "location_library_id" but cannot link it with [dbo].[Tape.changers].device_id
- How to grab media set name the mediums belong to ?
Thanks for your ideas ...
- Veeam Software
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Re: Get tape content via powershell
Hi ThierryF,
I think you can easily avoid using SQL in this case:
I think you can easily avoid using SQL in this case:
Code: Select all
$mediums = Get-VBRTapeMedium
$libraries = Get-VBRTapeLibrary
foreach ($medium in $mediums) {
$library = $libraries | where {$_.Id -eq $medium.LibraryId}
$medium | select Barcode, LibraryId, @{n='LibraryName';e={$library.Name}}, @{n='MediaSetName';e={$_.MediaSet.Name}}
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[MERGED] How to Export or Archive Information Detailing Backup Jobs on Tape
For many years we have used tapes for off-site storage of backups and have a couple hundred of them. Recently we stopped using tapes because we installed a new Backup Server using object storage in the cloud for off-site storage to replace tapes. We did not import any information regarding the tapes or the backup jobs on them. We are decommissioning the old Backup Server but want to keep the information detailing which Jobs are on which Tape, in case we need to restore anything.
Is there a utility or script that will export this information? Do I need to use write my own PowerShell script?
Is there a utility or script that will export this information? Do I need to use write my own PowerShell script?
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Re: Get tape content via powershell
Hi Almon
I moved your request to this topic.
For Backup on Tapes, you may checkout Veeam One:
https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/one/r ... ml?ver=110
For File to Tape Backup Jobs we don't have a supported tool to export the information. You can try the provided Script in this topic (still unsupported).
Maybe it also works for Backup to Tape Jobs. I didn't had the chance to try it myself.
I moved your request to this topic.
For Backup on Tapes, you may checkout Veeam One:
https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/one/r ... ml?ver=110
For File to Tape Backup Jobs we don't have a supported tool to export the information. You can try the provided Script in this topic (still unsupported).
Maybe it also works for Backup to Tape Jobs. I didn't had the chance to try it myself.
Product Management Analyst @ Veeam Software
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Re: Get tape content via powershell
Thank you for sharing it here Jason.winnt wrote: ↑Mar 05, 2017 9:11 pm After looking through the query results, I decided to add additional columns. It now displays the following:
Barcode ID
Backup Set
Backup Job
Backup Host
Full folder path of file
File name backed up
File size in GB of file
Total tape capacity in GB
Remaining space on tape in GB
Last time tape was written to
Tape expiration date
Tape description
Tape Media Pool
Tape Media Pool Description
Tape Physical location (i.e. HP MSL6060 - Slot 11, or HP MSL6060 - Tape Drive, or Tape Vault - Iron Mountain Yearly)
Code: Select all
USE VeeamBackup; WITH PathInfo AS ( SELECT [Id] ,Parent_Id ,Name ,FolderPath = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(800), name) FROM [dbo].[Tape.directories] WHERE Parent_Id IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT TempTD.Id ,TempTD.Parent_Id ,TempTD.name ,FolderPath = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(800), cte.FolderPath+'\'+TempTD.name) FROM [dbo].[Tape.directories] TempTD JOIN PathInfo cte ON cte.Id = TempTD.Parent_Id ) SELECT TTM.barcode AS Barcode_ID, TBS.name AS Backup_Set, TB.Name AS Backup_Job, TH.Name AS Backup_Host, PathInfo.folderpath AS Folder_Path, TF.Name AS Tape_File_Name, CAST(Size / 1073741824.0E AS DECIMAL(10, 2)) AS File_Size_GB, CAST(Capacity / 1073741824.0E AS DECIMAL(10, 2)) AS Tape_Capacity_GB, CAST(Remaining / 1073741824.0E AS DECIMAL(10, 2)) AS Tape_Remaining_GB, Continuation, TTM.Last_Write_Time, Expiration_Date, TTM.Description AS Tape_Description, TMP.name AS Tape_Media_Pool, TMP.Description AS Tape_Media_Pool_Description, CASE TTM.Location_Type WHEN '0' THEN TL.Name + ' - Tape Drive' WHEN '1' THEN TL.Name + ' - Slot ' + CAST((Location_Address + 1) AS NVARCHAR(255)) WHEN '2' THEN 'Tape Vault - ' + TMV.Name ELSE 'Other' END AS Tape_Physical_Location FROM [Tape.tape_mediums] TTM INNER JOIN [Tape.tape_medium_backup_sets] TTMBS ON TTMBS.tape_medium_id = TTM.id INNER JOIN [Tape.backup_sets] TBS ON TBS.id = TTMBS.backup_set_id INNER JOIN [Tape.file_versions] TFV ON TFV.backup_set_id = TBS.id INNER JOIN [Tape.files] TF ON TF.id = TFV.file_id INNER JOIN [Tape.backups] TB ON TB.id = TBS.backup_id INNER JOIN [Tape.directories] TD ON TD.id = TF.directory_id INNER JOIN [Tape.hosts] TH ON TH.id = TD.host_id INNER JOIN PathInfo ON PathInfo.id = TD.id INNER JOIN [Tape.media_pools] TMP ON media_pool_id = TMP.id LEFT JOIN [Tape.media_in_vaults] TMIV ON TMIV.media_id = TTM.id LEFT JOIN [Tape.media_vaults] TMV ON TMIV.vault_id = TMV.id LEFT JOIN [Tape.libraries] TL ON TTM.location_library_id = TL.id --Filter on barcode id --WHERE (TTM.barcode = 'JD4747L3') --Filter on filename written to tape --WHERE (TF.name like '%2016-04-07%') --Filter on the tape media vault name --WHERE (TMV.name LIKE '%2015a%') ORDER BY Barcode_ID ASC, Backup_Set ASC
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Re: Get tape content via powershell
created the ExportVeeamTapeInventory.ps1 and VeeamTapeInventory.sql
When i run the Script i receive following error:
So i changed the file ExportVeeamTapeInventory.ps1 to this (added only "-TrustServerCertificate" to Invoke-Sqlcmd Command):
Now it works without any Problem.
Thx for the Script!
created the ExportVeeamTapeInventory.ps1 and VeeamTapeInventory.sql
When i run the Script i receive following error:
Code: Select all
PS C:\Scripts\Veeam> C:\Scripts\Veeam\ExportVeeamTapeInventory.ps1
Invoke-Sqlcmd : A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: SSL Provider,
error: 0 - The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted.)
Code: Select all
# ------- ExportVeeamTapeInventory.ps1 -------
# PowerShell script that runs an SQL query to inventory tapes within Veeam and then exports to a CSV file
# By winnt posted to Veeam forum on May 3, 2018
# ****************************************************************************************
# You will need to install the SQL Server PowerShell Module
# You need to change the Veeam backup server / SQL Server name/instance to match yours.
# You need to change the $ScriptDir and $ReportDir variables, or leave them as-is and make
# sure the paths exist for this script file, the SQL input file, and exported tape report.
# ****************************************************************************************
$ScriptDir = 'C:\Scripts\Veeam'
$ReportDir = 'C:\Scripts\Veeam\Reports'
# Add-PSSnapin SqlServerCmdletSnapin100
# Add-PSSnapin SqlServerProviderSnapin100
$date = Get-Date -format "yyyyMMdd-HHmmss"
$TapeInventory = Invoke-Sqlcmd -InputFile $ScriptDir\VeeamTapeInventory.sql -ServerInstance "$VeeamSQLServer" -TrustServerCertificate
$TapeInventory | Export-Csv $ReportDir\VeeamTapeInventory_$Date.csv -NoTypeInformation
Write-Host "Tape inventory has been exported to: "
Write-Host "$ReportDir\VeeamTapeInventory_$Date.csv"
# ------- ExportVeeamTapeInventory.ps1 -------
Thx for the Script!
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Re: Get tape content via powershell
First off thank you to everyone who has worked to get this script working. I have been looking for something like this for a bit now. I have created the SQL query and Powershell script. All the output it generates is great. The only thing I would like it to have are columns for Tape Name and Media Set. Basically what I am looking for is know what VBK file is on which tape. But I do like a lot of what is already generated with the script so I might choose to remove some of the information from the script I run in the future.
Thank you in advance for you help.
First off thank you to everyone who has worked to get this script working. I have been looking for something like this for a bit now. I have created the SQL query and Powershell script. All the output it generates is great. The only thing I would like it to have are columns for Tape Name and Media Set. Basically what I am looking for is know what VBK file is on which tape. But I do like a lot of what is already generated with the script so I might choose to remove some of the information from the script I run in the future.
Thank you in advance for you help.
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Re: Get tape content via powershell
Each row has the file name with the barcode ID in the first column. You are using the script from May 3, 2018 correct?
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Re: Get tape content via powershell
Yes that is correct. I am using the script from May 3rd. My tapes do not have barcodes assigned to them. It doesn't look like our tape drive generates barcodes. I have a Dell PowerVault LTO9 tape drive, which is a Dell branded IBM Ultrium-HH9 drive. When I look at the properties on the tapes in Veeam the barcode field is blank. So the output in the Barcode ID column is blank. Also I don't have a column that matches the Media Set in Veeam. In Veeam the media set shows up as "Weekly media set #XX followed by a date and time". I do see a column that shows Tape Backup Set, but it list the out put as "Full backup set followed by a date and time." I am guessing the Media set in Veeam is when the media set was created and the Tape Backup Set is when the file was put on the tape.
Also in Veeam my tapes are just named Tape 1, Tape 2, Tape 3, etc.
I can run this script and get VM Name, Creation Time, Tape Name to display. But I like yours better because it gives me the File Name in the output.
$backups = get-vbrtapebackup | where {$_.VMCount -ne 0}
$rps = Get-VBRRestorePoint -Backup $backups
$results = foreach ($rp in $rps) {
$dbOib = [Veeam.Backup.DBManager.CDBManager]::Instance.TapeOibs.GetMediaTapeNamesByOibs($rp.Id)
$barcode = $dbOib.Values
$rp | select Name, creationtime, @{n='TapeMedium';e={$barcode}}
Also in Veeam my tapes are just named Tape 1, Tape 2, Tape 3, etc.
I can run this script and get VM Name, Creation Time, Tape Name to display. But I like yours better because it gives me the File Name in the output.
$backups = get-vbrtapebackup | where {$_.VMCount -ne 0}
$rps = Get-VBRRestorePoint -Backup $backups
$results = foreach ($rp in $rps) {
$dbOib = [Veeam.Backup.DBManager.CDBManager]::Instance.TapeOibs.GetMediaTapeNamesByOibs($rp.Id)
$barcode = $dbOib.Values
$rp | select Name, creationtime, @{n='TapeMedium';e={$barcode}}
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Re: Get tape content via powershell
Is there a way with your script get the tape name to display? Since I don't have barcodes on my tapes the barcode column doesn't help me. I would also like to have the media set show up in the excel file if that is possible.
Thank you for your help.
Is there a way with your script get the tape name to display? Since I don't have barcodes on my tapes the barcode column doesn't help me. I would also like to have the media set show up in the excel file if that is possible.
Thank you for your help.
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[MERGED] What backups are written on tapes
Is there a solution or a script, to find out, what backup is written to what tape?
If i open the Tape infra view, select some offline or online tape from the view and then use the Files view, it shows what backup and from what Repo it was written, but how can i get it for all the tapes?
Is there a solution or a script, to find out, what backup is written to what tape?
If i open the Tape infra view, select some offline or online tape from the view and then use the Files view, it shows what backup and from what Repo it was written, but how can i get it for all the tapes?
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Re: Get tape content via powershell
Please check this topic. There are some scripts which could help you to achieve your goal.
Please check this topic. There are some scripts which could help you to achieve your goal.
Product Management Analyst @ Veeam Software
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