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Get-VBRRestorePoint cannot find existing RP's after job rename

Post by nd39475 »

I made this nifty script to give me a rundown of our jobs and RP's but i have some jobs reporting that there are no RP's when in fact they do exist. It seems that when a backupCopy is renamed, the cmd-let Get-VBRRestorePoint can no longer find the RP's.

Code: Select all

$vbrback= Get-VBRBackup -Name "someNameHere"
$restorepoints=($vbrback | Get-VBRRestorePoint)
Write-Output "Count of RP`'s found: $($restorepoints.Count)"
The above snippet shows zero RP's for a BackupCopy that was renamed. but when i use the Console it shows them. the issue seems to be that the target folder name does not match the backupCopy job name.

is there any solution to such?

Code: Select all

Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapIn

Function PrintRestorePoints ($jobs) {
  foreach ($job in $jobs) {
    $jName = $job.Name

    #$jObject= ($job|Get-VBRJobObject)

    Write-Output "Job: $jName"
    if ($job.IsScheduleEnabled) {
      if ($jSched.OptionsContinuous.Enabled) { Write-Output "Job Type: Continuous" } else { Write-Output "RetainCycles: $($jOptions.Options.RootNode.RetainCycles)" }
      if ($jSched.OptionsDaily.Enabled) { Write-Output "Daily Enabled" }
      if ($jSched.OptionsMonthly.Enabled) { Write-Output "Monthly Enabled" }
      if ($jSched.OptionsPeriodically.Enabled) { Write-Output "Periodical Enabled" }
    } else { Write-Output "Job Type: Manual"}
    Write-Output "RetentionPolicyType: $($jOptions.GenerationPolicy.RetentionPolicyType)"
    Write-Output "SimpleRetentionRestorePoints: $($jOptions.GenerationPolicy.SimpleRetentionRestorePoints)"
    #Write-Output "ActualRetentionRestorePoints: $($jOptions.GenerationPolicy.ActualRetentionRestorePoints)""
    $vbrback= Get-VBRBackup -Name $job.LogNameMainPart
    Write-Output "Count of VM's: $($vbrback.VmCount)"
    #Write-Output "WeeklyBackupDayOfWeek $($jOptions.GenerationPolicy.WeeklyBackupDayOfWeek)"
    #Write-Output "WeeklyBackupTime $($jOptions.GenerationPolicy.WeeklyBackupTime)"

    $restorepoints=($vbrback | Get-VBRRestorePoint)
    Write-Output "Count of RP`'s found: $($restorepoints.Count)"

    if ($restorepoints.Count) {
      $restorepoints | sort-object vmname,CreationTime | format-table -Property vmname,CreationTime -AutoSize -HideTableHeaders
    } else {write-Output "`n"}
    #foreach ($rp in $restorepoints) {
      #$rp | Select-Object vmname,CreationTime | ft -auto
      #write-Output $($rp.VmName) $($rp.CreationTime)
} #end Function

Connect-VBRServer -server MYSERVER -port 9392

$jobs = ( Get-VBRJob  | where {$_.Name -like "Library1*Copy*"} | Sort-Object -Property Name)
PrintRestorePoints ($jobs) | Tee-Object Library1_RP_Tallies.txt

$jobs = ( Get-VBRJob  | where {$_.Name -like "Library2*Copy*"} | Sort-Object -Property Name)
PrintRestorePoints ($jobs) | Tee-Object Library2_RP_Tallies.txt

$jobs = ( Get-VBRJob  | where {$_.Name -notlike "*Copy*"} | Sort-Object -Property Name)
PrintRestorePoints ($jobs) | Tee-Object VeeamServ_RP_Tallies.txt


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Re: Get-VBRRestorePoint cannot find existing RP's after job rename

Post by nd39475 »

Crap, it's even worse than i thought, i just noticed

Code: Select all

Write-Output "Count of VM's: $($vbrback.VmCount)"
produces nothing on the renamed jobs, so of course RP's will be zero.

Thoughts? Solutions?
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Re: Get-VBRRestorePoint cannot find existing RP's after job rename

Post by nd39475 »

I should jsut delete the OP, it's Get-VBRBackup that is failing:

PS P:\> $job = Get-VBRJob | where {$_.Name -like "Library1 Ubuntu 16-04 LTS BackupCopy"}

PS P:\> $job.Name
Library1 Ubuntu 16-04 LTS BackupCopy

PS P:\> $job.LogNameMainPart
Library1 Ubuntu 16-04 LTS BackupCopy

PS P:\> $job.TargetFile
Library1 Ubuntu 16-04 LTS BackupCopy

PS P:\> (Get-VBRBackup -Name "$job.Name")
[no result]

PS P:\> (Get-VBRBackup -Name "$job.LogNameMainPart")
[no result]

PS P:\> (Get-VBRBackup -Name "$job.TargetFile")
[no result]
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Re: Get-VBRRestorePoint cannot find existing RP's after job rename

Post by nd39475 »

Confirmed Get-VBRBackup produces old name

Get-VBRBackup | grep LTS
Name : Library Ubuntu 14-04 LTS Backup Copy
Path : Library Ubuntu 14-04 LTS Backup Copy
DirPath : E:\Backups\Library Ubuntu 14-04 LTS Backup Copy
PartialPath : Library Ubuntu 14-04 LTS Backup Copy
MetaFileName : Library Ubuntu 14-04 LTS Backup Copy.vbm

"Library Ubuntu 14-04 LTS Backup Copy" was renamed "Library1 Ubuntu 14-04 LTS BackupCopy"
so how do i co-relate with old names???
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Re: Get-VBRRestorePoint cannot find existing RP's after job rename

Post by chris.arceneaux » 1 person likes this post

Following the steps outlined in the blog post below will resolve the issue you're seeing:

http://www.running-system.com/how-to-re ... p-folders/

If you don't want to do that, you can always match the backups to the original Job ID.

Code: Select all

$job = Get-VBRJob -Name "renamed"
$backups = Get-VBRBackup
$backups | ?{$_.JobId -eq $job.Id}
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Re: Get-VBRRestorePoint cannot find existing RP's after job rename

Post by jhoughes » 1 person likes this post

Chris beat me to the reply, but from any backup, you can also get the source job object with the 'GetJob' method.

Code: Select all

❯ $backup = Get-VBRBackup -Name VeeamOneTest

❯ $backup.GetJob()

Job Name                  Type            State      Last Result  Description
--------                  ----            -----      -----------  -----------
RenameVeeamOneTest        VMware Backup   Working    None         Testing VeeamOne notifications

❯ $backup.GetJob() | Select Name, Id

Name               Id
----               --
RenameVeeamOneTest 6a11abde-024f-42b1-bc01-1925136ca052

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Re: Get-VBRRestorePoint cannot find existing RP's after job rename

Post by nd39475 »

Thanks guys (very much), i will wrench&hammer this ASAP in the morning.
on a side note, i was trying some of the mapping just prior, but would receive an error about the job not being excrypted and had to match; however, the jobs were indeed encrypted. love- hate relationship with veeam :)
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Re: Get-VBRRestorePoint cannot find existing RP's after job rename

Post by chris.arceneaux » 1 person likes this post

No worries. You must decrypt the imported backup prior to re-mapping it to the job. This doesn't mean you're removing the encryption but that you're allowing the Veeam Backup & Replication server to have access to the files in the encrypted backup.

For better instructions, the process you need to follow is almost identical to Method B in the KB article listed below:

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Re: Get-VBRRestorePoint cannot find existing RP's after job rename

Post by nd39475 »

yep, #2 (https://www.veeam.com/kb1729) works, just a hassle, have to decrypt the import/set the CopyJob unencrypted/apply/set encrypted/finish, then jobs will trigger Active Full ;(
times 32 jobs, and double the storage of such
hopefully i can hack the code to work tomorrow. ;|
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Re: Get-VBRRestorePoint cannot find existing RP's after job rename

Post by nd39475 »

We need a `Get-VBRBackup -JobID` for times like this
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Re: Get-VBRRestorePoint cannot find existing RP's after job rename

Post by nd39475 » 1 person likes this post

Needs a code-rework and cleanup but BOOM,producing what i need to submit to management !! :)
thank you thank you thank you

Code: Select all

Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapIn

Function PrintRestorePoints ($jobs) {
  foreach ($job in $jobs) {
    $jName = $job.Name

    #$jObject= ($job|Get-VBRJobObject)

    Write-Output "Job: $jName"
    if ($job.IsScheduleEnabled) {
      if ($jSched.OptionsContinuous.Enabled) { Write-Output "Job Type: Continuous" } else { Write-Output "RetainCycles: $($jOptions.Options.RootNode.RetainCycles)" }
      if ($jSched.OptionsDaily.Enabled) { Write-Output "Daily Enabled" }
      if ($jSched.OptionsMonthly.Enabled) { Write-Output "Monthly Enabled" }
      if ($jSched.OptionsPeriodically.Enabled) { Write-Output "Periodical Enabled" }
    } else { Write-Output "Job Type: Manual"}
    Write-Output "RetentionPolicyType: $($jOptions.GenerationPolicy.RetentionPolicyType)"
    Write-Output "SimpleRetentionRestorePoints: $($jOptions.GenerationPolicy.SimpleRetentionRestorePoints)"
    #Write-Output "ActualRetentionRestorePoints: $($jOptions.GenerationPolicy.ActualRetentionRestorePoints)""

    #$vbrback= (Get-VBRBackup -Name "$job.LogNameMainPart")
    #$vbrback= (Get-VBRBackup -Name "$job.TargetFile")
    $vbrback= (Get-VBRBackup -Name "$job.Name")
    $newbackup = Get-VBRBackup | ?{$_.JobId -eq $job.Id} #due renames -- makes for much unnecessary/redundant processing
    #Write-Output "Count of VM's: $($vbrback.VmCount)"
     Write-Output "Count of VM's: $($newbackup.VmCount)"  #due renames
    #Write-Output "WeeklyBackupDayOfWeek $($jOptions.GenerationPolicy.WeeklyBackupDayOfWeek)"
    #Write-Output "WeeklyBackupTime $($jOptions.GenerationPolicy.WeeklyBackupTime)"

    #$restorepoints=($vbrback | Get-VBRRestorePoint)
    $restorepoints=($newbackup  | Get-VBRRestorePoint) #due renames

    Write-Output "Count of RP`'s found: $($restorepoints.Count)"

    if ($restorepoints.Count) {
      $restorepoints | sort-object vmname,CreationTime | format-table -Property vmname,CreationTime -AutoSize -HideTableHeaders
    } else {write-Output "`n"}
    #foreach ($rp in $restorepoints) {
      #$rp | Select-Object vmname,CreationTime | ft -auto
      #write-Output $($rp.VmName) $($rp.CreationTime)
} #end Function

Connect-VBRServer -server SERVERNAMEHERE -port 9392

$jobs = ( Get-VBRJob  | where {$_.Name -like "Library1*Copy*"} | Sort-Object -Property Name)
PrintRestorePoints ($jobs) | Tee-Object Library1_RP_Tallies.txt

$jobs = ( Get-VBRJob  | where {$_.Name -like "Library2*Copy*"} | Sort-Object -Property Name)
PrintRestorePoints ($jobs) | Tee-Object Library2_RP_Tallies.txt

$jobs = ( Get-VBRJob  | where {$_.Name -notlike "*Copy*"} | Sort-Object -Property Name)
PrintRestorePoints ($jobs) | Tee-Object VeeamServ_RP_Tallies.txt

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Re: Get-VBRRestorePoint cannot find existing RP's after job rename

Post by Vek17 » 1 person likes this post

There was an identical post a while back that raised this issue: post342222.html#p342222

I maintain as I do in that post that this is an issue in how job renames are handled and that backups should update their "job_name" column when the linked job is renamed. AFAIK there is no critical binding on that field that prevents it and you can manually edit it to get the desired effect. Seems like an oversight of the process to me which in turn forces these bizarre work arounds.
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