To make things a bit clear, these are the results of the Job, Latest Session of the job and the RestorePoint (using the correct Name)
Code: Select all
PS C:\Users\Administrator> $job
RepositoryId : 9795b58b-d583-44c2-9ba2-1ba6c91632e8
ObjectsCount : 1
IsEnabled : True
NextRun :
Target : TEST-NAS02A
Type : EndpointBackup
LastResult : Success
LastState : Stopped
Id : a979d1e1-8441-4192-bd9f-349cfb71dc87
Name : [b]Backup Job TEST-WS02A[/b]
Description : Veeam Agent for Windows backup job
PS C:\Users\Administrator> $jobSession
CreationTime : 3-7-2018 09:02:51
EndTime : 3-7-2018 09:54:54
JobId : a979d1e1-8441-4192-bd9f-349cfb71dc87
Result : Success
State : Stopped
Id : 2809147c-cbc3-4ac1-a261-ebec8dd6de32
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-VBRRestorePoint -Backup "[b]Backup Job TEST-LT01A[/b]" | Select -Last 1
Info : Veeam.Backup.Model.COibInfo
Id : 6e9922cd-4ab5-4fab-8f2b-709b2df777e7
LinkIdNullable : f07effbe-18c0-4afa-9ae5-c5058faac46f
OriginalOibId : 6e9922cd-4ab5-4fab-8f2b-709b2df777e7
LinkId : f07effbe-18c0-4afa-9ae5-c5058faac46f
CreationTime : 3-7-2018 09:02:56
CreationTimeUtc : 3-7-2018 07:02:56
Type : Increment
Algorithm : Increment
PointId : 3e33db70-6ad9-42fa-813d-3449d4deb696
ObjectId : 4b78a201-90f4-42c0-ab10-0aeb350fc927
StorageId : 85e7bf2b-1cc2-4d87-a1ce-5f6de3276726
InsideDir : 6745a759-2205-4cd2-b172-8ec8f7e60ef8 (4c4c4544-004b-5410-8039-c6c04f504632)
IsCorrupted : False
IsRecheckCorrupted : False
IsLicensed : True
CreationUsn : 505676
IsConsistent : True
ApproxSize : 100337205248
VmName : TEST-LT-01A
Name : TEST-LT-01A
State : Nothing
EffectiveMemoryMb : 0
GuestInfo : Veeam.Backup.Model.CGuestInfo
AuxData : Veeam.Backup.Core.CDesktopOibAuxData
ParentId : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
ParentOriginalOibId : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
DisplayName : TEST-LT-01A
HvAuxData :
HasIndex : False
HasExchange : False
HasVeeamArchiver : False
HasSharePoint : False
HasSql : False
HasAd : False
HasOracle : False
Fqdn : TEST-WS02A.TEST.local
BackupId : b7be74f6-68d7-44cd-97c1-f5d0ae1d8195
LinkableType : Oib
IsFull : False
MountToFull : True
Using the discovered Job Name Backup Job TEST-WS02A is not found by Get-VBRRestorePoint. The correct name must be Backup Job TEST-LT01A. I Guess there was a name change in the past causing this.
As I can see there is also no ID linking the Job to the Restore Point.
I try to find a way getting the (latest) RestorePoint only having the Job details?