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Getting session logs for GFS trough powershell

Post by maanlicht »

I recently implemented a GFS routine using synthetic fulls for some data I need to store long term. I would like to monitor the successful creation of these weekly GFS backups to guarantee I am covered long term. I am aware Veeam One has some possibilities here but I dont have it and am currently not interrested.

Since GFS is a routine that runs on top of the normal routines. This means the logs for backups sessions get mixed for both routines. In the Veeam console I can clearly identify GFS backups if I look at the properties of the backupset. They are marked with an 'M' in the retention column.

Is there a powershell way to get or filter the sessions of GFS backups? I am specifically looking for the result of these sessions and its dates.
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Re: Getting session logs for GFS trough powershell

Post by david.domask » 1 person likes this post

Hi @maanlicht,

As you noted, the Synthetic Full process is a sub-task (vaguely) of a normal job, so right now I'm not aware of supported ways of tracking this.


You can use an unsupported method from the link above; filter on the outputs from GetRecordsSortedByOrdinalID() (I usually just validate the title with some regex to capture the Synthetic Full entries), and then report based on the session result.
David Domask | Product Management: Principal Analyst
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Re: Getting session logs for GFS trough powershell

Post by maanlicht »

Great! I'll give that a shot! Thanks!
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