Code: Select all
Get-VBRTapeJob | ? {$_.GetLastState() -like "WaitingTape"}
With Veeam 8, it doesn't work anymore. Neither the property "GetLastState" seems to be existing nor another property hold such information. How can I do that with Veeam 8?
Code: Select all
Get-VBRTapeJob | ? {$_.GetLastState() -like "WaitingTape"}
Code: Select all
Get-VBRTapeJob | where {$_.LastState -eq "WaitingTape"}
Code: Select all
PS C:\Users\Administrator.HA-HO> $TapeJob = Get-VBRTapeJob -name "Last-VBK-Files Tu - Fr"
PS C:\Users\Administrator.HA-HO> $TapeJob
FullBackupPolicy : Daily
IncrementalBackupPolicy : Daily
Object : {D:\Copy2Tape-Links}
UseVss : False
EjectCurrentMedium : False
ExportCurrentMediaSet : False
ExportDays : {Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...}
FullBackupMediaPool : Day
IncrementalBackupMediaPool : Day
UseHardwareCompression : False
NextRun :
Target : Day
Type : FileToTape
LastResult : Success
LastState : Stopped
Id : 765d97c3-d7c1-4eeb-bfe1-cca34ee5edaa
Name : Last-VBK-Files Tu - Fr
Description : Copy last Veeam Full-Backup-Files to tape (Tuesday to Friday)
Code: Select all
$Job = Get-VBRTapeJob -name "Last-VBK-Files Tu - Fr"
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