Well, not quite on the -Backup flag, it does do some filtering and it should be overall less painful. But I digress, while your point is valid, I still feel you've got an underlying issue elsewhere.
For the database performance, I'd be curious about checking the same queries directly in MSSQL as opposed to powershell; frankly speaking your VM is more powerful than my lab VM, but you're seeing much worse performance. What version of SQL btw (edition + version). Check the Disk Usage by Top Tables report to see what's eating up space -- it's not necessarily "wrong", but it depends on what takes the space.
Feel free to open a Support Case for help on the DB size, but keep in mind that depending on what's using the space, it might be expected, but I think best to let evidence speak for itself.
For the performance part though, I would be curious if you could humor me and time the processing of:
From SQL:
select * from [backup.model.OIBs]
select * from [backup.model.points]
And just how long the execution takes.
As for the rest, well, posting is free
And the feedback is taken fairly seriously, so share the pain points as you see them