PowerShell script exchange
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Full Name: Gilberto Canales
by gcanales » Oct 01, 2013 5:59 pm
this post
Hi, I'm new to powershell and need some help. Here are something I wrote to start a Instant recovery job
Code: Select all
$vm = "AD1"
$irvm = "IR-AD1"
$rp = Get-VBRBackup | where {$_.JobName -eq "job1"} | Get-VBRRestorePoint -Name $vm | Sort CreationTime -Descending | Select -First 1
$server = Get-VBRServer | where {$_.Name -eq "esx1.infragig.lab"}
$res = Find-VBRResourcePool -Server ($server) | where {$_.Name -eq "Resources"}
Start-VBRInstantRecovery -RestorePoint $rp -VMName $irvm -Server $server -ResourcePool $res
And the result is an error message I cannot figure out
Start-VBRInstantRecovery : Failed to start task using provider "vmsSharing". Task type: "mountVm". Task configuration:
"<vmNfsSharingInfo vmRegName="ID-AD1" oibID="00563664-f9d8-45df-a2cc-978180604b0b" powerOn="False"
shareCredsId="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" uiSessionId="b2fe3691-7b78-4afc-b000-e09154033161"><targetEsx
dbObjectID="b77b9c7e-1c3f-499f-801b-86282b3a4432" resPoolRef="ha-root-pool" resPoolName="Resources"
datacenterRef="ha-datacenter" folderRef="ha-folder-vm" restoreToOrigLocation="False" /><redoLogs isEnabled="False"
datastoreRef="" datastoreName="" /><restoreReason></restoreReason><networkSettings NICsEnabled="False"
En línea: 1 Carácter: 1
+ Start-VBRInstantRecovery -RestorePoint $rp -VMName $irvm -Server $server -Resour ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (Veeam.Backup.Po...InstantRecovery:StartVBRInstantRecovery) [Start-VBR
InstantRecovery], CRegeneratedTraceException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Backup,Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.Command.StartVBRInstantRecovery
Can someone could help me find out what am I doing wrong?
Product Manager
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Full Name: Vladimir Eremin
by veremin » Oct 02, 2013 10:23 am
this post
Hmm, I haven’t seen this error so far. Though, I have a few questions:
• Is your resource pool, indeed, named “Resources” or you’ve just taken this line up from the provided example?
• What happens if you also specify a datastore?
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Joined: Feb 24, 2013 6:51 pm
Full Name: Gilberto Canales
by gcanales » Oct 03, 2013 5:30 am
this post
Hello Vladimir,
I've added the datastore info as you suggested, but got the same output
Code: Select all
Add-PSSnapIn -Name VeeamPSSnapIn
$jobName = Get-VBRjob | where {$_.Name -eq "job1"}
$vm = Find-VBRViEntity -Name AD1
$server = Get-VBRServer | where {$_.Name -eq "esx1.infragig.lab"}
$rp = Get-VBRBackup -Name job1 | Get-VBRRestorePoint -Name AD1 | Sort CreationTime -Descending | Select -First 1
$res = Find-VBRResourcePool -Server $server -Name "Resources"
$ds = Find-VBRDatastore -Server ($server) | where {$_.Name -eq "Nexenta-01"}
Start-VBRInstantRecovery -RestorePoint $rp -VMName($vm + "_IR") -Server $server -ResourcePool $res -Datastore $ds
PS C:\Users\VMReport> $rp
Info : Veeam.Backup.Model.COibInfo
Id : 72d649a2-9002-44ff-b76a-59e8d077c3b6
CreationTime : 02/10/2013 23:58:12
CreationTimeUtc : 03/10/2013 4:58:12
Type : Increment
Algorithm : Increment
PointId : bd481a1b-9c32-4f6d-8a7c-75785e86b432
ObjectId : 3a536a84-8e5a-4d9e-ade2-caac4f8aaddf
StorageId : 1462b595-8a71-4510-9490-3f61bf28f3c9
InsideDir : b77b9c7e-1c3f-499f-801b-86282b3a4432 (89)
IsFailoved : False
FailoverState :
IsCorrupted : False
IsConsistent : True
ApproxSize : 8589934592
VmName : AD1
Name : AD1
EffectiveMemoryMb : 1024
GuestInfo : Veeam.Backup.Model.CGuestInfo
ProcessID : -1
AuxData : Veeam.Backup.Core.CViOibAuxData
HvAuxData :
PS C:\Users\VMReport> $server
Info : esx1.infragig.lab
Id : b77b9c7e-1c3f-499f-801b-86282b3a4432
Name : esx1.infragig.lab
RealName : esx1.infragig.lab
Reference : ha-host
Description : Created by Powershell at 01/10/2013 11:46:42.
IsUnavailable : False
Type : ESXi
ApiVersion : Unknown
PhysHostId : fddc9a33-66f2-40d0-afe4-448c2ddb3043
ProxyServicesCreds :
PS C:\Users\VMReport> $res
Childs : {}
Type : ResourcePool
Ref : ha-root-pool
Id : ha-root-pool
Name : Resources
Path :
Parent : esx1.infragig.lab
PS C:\Users\VMReport> $ds
Uuid : 524ceea7-67d5bbd7-01c7-001b785700ec
Capacity : 96368328704
FreeSpace : 95350161408
FsId : Veeam.Backup.ViSoap.VmfsFileSystemId
MultipleHostsAccess : False
HostRefs : {ha-host}
DsPath : [Nexenta-01]
ScPath : /vmfs/volumes/524ceea7-67d5bbd7-01c7-001b785700ec
Childs : {}
Type : Datastore
Ref : 524ceea7-67d5bbd7-01c7-001b785700ec
Id : 524ceea7-67d5bbd7-01c7-001b785700ec
Name : Nexenta-01
Path :
Parent : esx1.infragig.lab
PS C:\Users\VMReport> Start-VBRInstantRecovery -RestorePoint $rp -Server $server -ResourcePool $res -Datastore $ds
Start-VBRInstantRecovery : Failed to start task using provider "vmsSharing". Task type: "mountVm". Task configuration:
"<vmNfsSharingInfo vmRegName="AD1" oibID="72d649a2-9002-44ff-b76a-59e8d077c3b6" powerOn="False"
shareCredsId="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" uiSessionId="18ed90d6-0d69-4860-acd6-aba1c0d7fd43"><targetEsx
dbObjectID="b77b9c7e-1c3f-499f-801b-86282b3a4432" resPoolRef="ha-root-pool" resPoolName="Resources"
datacenterRef="ha-datacenter" folderRef="ha-folder-vm" restoreToOrigLocation="False" /><redoLogs isEnabled="True"
datastoreRef="524ceea7-67d5bbd7-01c7-001b785700ec" datastoreName="Nexenta-01"
/><restoreReason></restoreReason><networkSettings NICsEnabled="False" /></vmNfsSharingInfo>".
En línea: 1 Carácter: 1
+ Start-VBRInstantRecovery -RestorePoint $rp -Server $server -ResourcePool $res -D ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (Veeam.Backup.Po...InstantRecovery:StartVBRInstantRecovery) [Start-VBR
InstantRecovery], CRegeneratedTraceException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Backup,Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.Command.StartVBRInstantRecovery
Also tried...
PS C:\Users\VMReport> Start-VBRInstantRecovery
cmdlet Start-VBRInstantRecovery en la posición 1 de la canalización de comandos
Proporcione valores para los parámetros siguientes:
RestorePoint: $rp
Server: $server
ResourcePool: $res
Start-VBRInstantRecovery : No se puede enlazar el parámetro 'RestorePoint'. No se puede convertir el valor "$rp" de
tipo "System.String" al tipo "Veeam.Backup.Core.COib".
En línea: 1 Carácter: 1
+ Start-VBRInstantRecovery
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Start-VBRInstantRecovery], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotConvertArgumentNoMessage,Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.Command.StartVBRInstantRecovery
PS C:\Users\VMReport> $rp
Info : Veeam.Backup.Model.COibInfo
Id : 72d649a2-9002-44ff-b76a-59e8d077c3b6
CreationTime : 02/10/2013 23:58:12
CreationTimeUtc : 03/10/2013 4:58:12
Type : Increment
Algorithm : Increment
PointId : bd481a1b-9c32-4f6d-8a7c-75785e86b432
ObjectId : 3a536a84-8e5a-4d9e-ade2-caac4f8aaddf
StorageId : 1462b595-8a71-4510-9490-3f61bf28f3c9
InsideDir : b77b9c7e-1c3f-499f-801b-86282b3a4432 (89)
IsFailoved : False
FailoverState :
IsCorrupted : False
IsConsistent : True
ApproxSize : 8589934592
VmName : AD1
Name : AD1
EffectiveMemoryMb : 1024
GuestInfo : Veeam.Backup.Model.CGuestInfo
ProcessID : -1
AuxData : Veeam.Backup.Core.CViOibAuxData
HvAuxData :
I very lost here, I'm running PowerShell 3.0, Veeam (32-bit)
If you have any idea of what else I could try, please let me know...
Product Manager
Posts: 20415 Liked: 2302 times
Joined: Oct 26, 2012 3:28 pm
Full Name: Vladimir Eremin
by veremin » Oct 03, 2013 10:01 am
this post
Everything looks good with the script provided. So, you might want to contact support team and let them investigate it directly.
However, I’m wondering whether you’re able to instantly recover a given VM via GUI of backup server. Thanks.
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