I am trying to use powershell to run instant VM recovery
I have 2 things to concern.
1.How do I select a VM from a backup job to run instant VM recovery
2.How can I select all the VM from the a backup job to run instant VM recovery at the same time
From the veeam powershell guide
Code: Select all
PS C:\PS> $restorepoint = Get-VBRBackup -Name "Active Directory Backup" | Get-VBRRestorePoint | Sort-Object $_.creationtime -Descending | Select -First 1
PS C:\PS> $server02 = Get-VBRServer -Name "VMware Host 02"
PS C:\PS> $resourcepool = Find-VBRViResourcePool -Server $server02 -Name "Restored"
PS C:\PS> Start-VBRInstantRecovery -RestorePoint $restorepoint -Server $server02 -ResourcePool $resourcepool -Folder "C:\Restored" -PowerUp-NICsEnabled-Reason "VM recovery"
1.How can I select a VM from a backup job to run instant VM recovery with PS
2.How can I select all the VM from the a backup job to run instant VM recovery with PS
I am new in writing powershell,please share some ideas to me.
Thank you.