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invoke powershell with .net

Post by pengjun721 »


First , use of VS2010 to build a project, reference System.Management.Automation.dll,
and then call the Veeam cmdlet:"Get-VBRBackup" and "Get-VBRServer" returned values are correct, :D
but the implementation of "Find-VBRResourcePool" access resource pool, value iempty :cry:

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            using (Runspace runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace())

                //Create Pipeline            
                using (Pipeline pipeline = runspace.CreatePipeline())
                    pipeline.Commands.AddScript("Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapIn");
                    pipeline.Commands.AddScript("$rp = Get-VBRBackup | where {$_.JobName -eq 'BackupJob1'} | Get-VBRRestorePoint|where {$_.VMName -eq 'vm--test-Win2K3R2wSP2'}");
                    pipeline.Commands.AddScript("$server = Get-VBRServer | where {$_.Name -eq 'hke-ssvr1.dyxnet.com'} ");                    
                    pipeline.Commands.AddScript("$server ");//can get data
                    pipeline.Commands.AddScript("$res = Find-VBRResourcePool -Server ($server) | where {$_.Name -eq 'vctest2'} ");
                    pipeline.Commands.AddScript("$datast = Find-VBRDatastore -Server ($server) | where {$_.Name -eq 'stogp1_m800tnas1'}");
                    pipeline.Commands.AddScript("Start-VBRRestoreVM -ResotePoint $rp -Server ($server) -ResourcePool ($res) -Datastore ($datast) -VMName 'vm--test-Win2K3R2wSP2' -DiskType 'thin' -PowerUp $TRUE");


                    //get return string
            Collection<PSObject> results = pipeline.Invoke();

                    StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (PSObject obj in results)
                    return stringBuilder.ToString();//return
use "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" or "veeam in powershell toolkit" to call this cmdlet,return value is right
Only when the call with System.Management.Automation.dll to call "Find-VBRResourcePool" or " Find-VBRDatastore", the value is null
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Full Name: Seth Bartlett

Re: invoke powershell with .net

Post by Sethbartlett »

And you stated that this line works outside of doing it through .net:

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Find-VBRResourcePool -Server ($server) | where {$_.Name -eq 'vctest2'}
This should work, I don't see why it wouldn't. It's not giving any errors or anything and it just runs smoothly?
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Full Name: pengjun

Re: invoke powershell with .net

Post by pengjun721 »

thaks for your help :D :D
oh, I check the Help document :the "Find-VBRResourcePool" cmdlet "Server" parameter is not acceptable "Pipeline
Input" way to pass values :shock:

This cmdlet returns a list of all resource pools on the specified ESX(i) host.
Find-VBRResourcePool [-Server] <CHost>
Parameters :
Parameter Description Required Pipeline Input
Server Specify an object of the ESX(i) host True False

so...How to call it in. NET :(

I try to use the following method to carry out, the result still empty,code:

Code: Select all

 Pipeline pipeline_rp = runspace.CreatePipeline();
                    Command cmd_rp = new Command("Find-VBRResourcePool");
                    cmd_rp.Parameters.Add("Server", ps_vbrserver);
                    Collection<PSObject> vbrResourcePools = pipeline_rp.Invoke();

                    //find vctest2 ResourcePool
            IEnumerable<PSObject> find_vctest2 = from ps in vbrResourcePools
                                                                              where ps.Members["Name"].Value.ToString() == "vctest2"
                                                                              select ps;

                    //save the first Resource Pool                    
           if (find_vctest2.Count() == 0)//it's empty
                        throw new Exception("can't not find VBRResourcePool"); 
                    PSObject ps_vbrResourcePool = find_vctest2.ElementAt(0);
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Full Name: Seth Bartlett

Re: invoke powershell with .net

Post by Sethbartlett »

I guess one important thing, have it output ALL variables to a file to see if $Rp is getting data, etc. You could try putting them on one line. So these lines:

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                    pipeline.Commands.AddScript("$server = Get-VBRServer | where {$_.Name -eq 'hke-ssvr1.dyxnet.com'} ");                    
                    pipeline.Commands.AddScript("$server ");//can get data
                    pipeline.Commands.AddScript("$res = Find-VBRResourcePool -Server ($server) | where {$_.Name -eq 'vctest2'} ");
Turn this into:

Code: Select all

pipeline.Commands.AddScript("$server = Get-VBRServer | where {$_.Name -eq 'hke-ssvr1.dyxnet.com'};$res = Find-VBRResourcePool -Server ($server) | where {$_.Name -eq 'vctest2'} ")
This puts it all on one line. You could also maybe try:

Code: Select all

 pipeline.Commands.AddScript("$res = Find-VBRResourcePool -Server (Get-VBRServer | where {$_.Name -eq 'hke-ssvr1.dyxnet.com'}) | where {$_.Name -eq 'vctest2'} ");
Skype: Sethbartlett88 - Make sure to label who you are and why you want to add me ;)
Twitter: @sethbartlett
If my post was helpful, please like it. Sometimes twitter is quicker to hit me up if you need me.
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