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Job Options

Post by Jack1874 »

Hello, I'm looking to query list the options for all my jobs.

In particular I'd like to list the "Weekly on Selected days" that is configured for the Active Full (with the Advanced Settings)

I found the following code and was looking to modify it. I was wondering how I can locate the options settings for the "Weekly on Selected days" so that I could modify the code?

Could someone show me how to list all options for all objects

Code: Select all

#Initialize Veeam PS Snapin
asnp VeeamPSSnapin -ErrorAction Continue

#Get Desired Job options from all your Backup Jobs

Get-VBRJob | ? {$_.jobtype -eq "Backup"} |
Select-Object -Property @{N="Job Name"; E={$_.name}},
@{N = "Compression Level" ; E = {[b]$_.GetOptions().BackupStorageOptions.CompressionLevel[/b]}},
@{N = "Dedup Block Size" ; E = {[b]$_.GetOptions().BackupStorageOptions.StgBlockSize[/b]}},
@{N = "SAN Integration" ; E = {[b]$_.GetOptions().SanIntegrationOptions.UseSanSnapshots}[/b]} |
Format-Table -AutoSize
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Re: Job Options

Post by veremin »

Check the following script:

Code: Select all

Get-VBRJob | ? {$_.jobtype -eq "Backup"} | Select-Object -Property @{N="Job Name"; E={$_.name}}, @{N = "Compression Level" ; E = {$_.GetOptions().BackupStorageOptions.CompressionLevel}}, @{N = "Dedup Block Size" ; E = {$_.GetOptions().BackupStorageOptions.StgBlockSize}},@{N = "SAN Integration" ; E = {$_.GetOptions().SanIntegrationOptions.UseSanSnapshots}}, @{N = "Active full enabled" ; E = {$_.GetOptions().BackupStorageOptions.EnableFullBackup}}, @{N = "Active full days" ; E = {$_.GetOptions().BackupTargetOptions.FullBackupDays}} | Format-Table -AutoSize
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