I need to create a Job to export my backup on a USB Hard Drive, so i created a Job with file copy, but i would like to have the inventory of all backup in this export.
I think it's possible to launch a powershell script at the end of the export Job to list all restore point with the name of the .vmdk or the name + the description of the backup job and at the end of this script, i would like delete all backup in the veeam 'database' who have been copied.
For the moment i have the liste of the VM + the date of creation and the type (increment or full) (thanks to tsightler for this line of powershell)
Code: Select all
Get-VBRBackup -Name "<JobName>" | Get-VBRRestorePoint | Sort Name,@{Expression = {$_.CreationTime}; Ascending = $false}
Best Regards,