So I have the following command:
Get-VBRBackup | where {$_.JobName -eq "<Name of Backup Job>"} | Get-VBRRestorePoint | where {$_.Type -eq "Full"} | sort CreationTime -Descending | Start-VBRRestoreVMFiles
That selects the appropriate backups that I need to dump to a USB hard drive. I am not sure where to go to properly format the Start-VBRRestoreVMFiles command in order to make it export the files to folders for each vm on a USB drive that I can then remove from the datacenter for this client who requires we provide them with a full backup set of all their VM's on a weekly basis.
I figured out I can certainly run the backups manually each week but thats annoying and I would like to automate this process so I can have a lower paid staff member simply connect and disconnect the alternating hard drives.
The syntax reference has the following:
Start-VBRRestoreVMFiles [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-Server] <CHost> [-Path] <String> [-Files <COIBFileInfo[]>] [-Reason <String>] [-RunAsync] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
I am making an assumption that the -restorepoint parameter is fulfilled by the statement I wrote above. I am not sure what is meant where it says <COib>
For server I simply want it to dump to the X:\Backups\<nameofserver> folder for each server involved (there are 14 servers we are dumping). This is a USB drive attached to the Veeam B&R server.
for the -files parameter I am unsure what is meant by COIBFileInfo. I want all the files for each of these VM's
Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Looking for some assistance with the Start-VBRRestoreVMF
I'm wondering whether you need to copy the backup files or flat virtual disks of backed up VMs. I'm asking since the said commandlet is responsible for restoring files of Virtual Machine, such as virtual disks (vmdk), configuration files (vmx), etc.That selects the appropriate backups that I need to dump to a USB hard drive.
Anyway, few more words regarding the goal you're trying to achieve would be useful, as it allows us to understand better what particular method or commandlet should be used in your case.
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