I am trying to flush change tracking data on a CSV by using VEEAM PowerShell; as per the following -
Reset-HvVmChangeTracking -Server [SVR_NAME] -VMName [VM_NAME]
However instead of flushing the CSV I see the message below -
Code: Select all
Reset-HvVmChangeTracking : Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'Server'. Microsoft SQL server hosting
the configuration database is currently unavailable. Possible reasons are heavy load, networking issue, server reboot,
or hot backup.
Please wait, and try again later.
Error information:
Microsoft SQL server hosting the configuration database is currently unavailable. Possible reasons are heavy load,
networking issue, server reboot, or hot backup.
Please wait, and try again later.
Error information:
SQL server is not available
SQL server is not available
At line:1 char:34
Kind Regards,