Is my first question in this forum, I need help with something
My idea is automate the tapes job process, which I need Clone olders Tapes job, In the new Cloned tapes job I have delete old objects and add the new objects which are files, for example in a Linux server "/Home/Backups/Servers/" I have many .vbk as files, I need add these .vbk files to the new Tapes Jobs
I see no issues when modifying backup directories for a file to tape job. Was it copied or not - doesn't matter in this case.
After you cloned the needed job, try to set directory objects for it. Example:
Set cmdlet clears all old job objects and add new ones in this case. If you want to preserve older objects and just expand the array with the other ones,
you need to add them all to $ObjectArray primarily to invoking Set.