trying to create a script to add a job, change jobparameters and add vm's to this job. the first point where i failed was the unfortunate formatting in the userguide. eg. the description for compression level:
Level Specify a compression level - from 0 to 9
where "-" is to interpret as a linebreak and not part of the option name, thus optionname is CompressionLevel and not Compression-Level as i used first.
a bit more tricky seems to be the specification of job schedule time in Set-VBRJobSchedule:
i'm not able to find out how to specify to run the job daily at a defined time. documentation is poor at least:
what is ScheduleOptions+PeriodicallyOptions in OptionsDaily? do i have to use this at all, or should i use StartDateTime instead and how?
Code: Select all
Set-VBRJobSchedule [Job <CDBJob>] [EndDateTime <DateTime>][EndDateTimeSpecified
<Boolean>] [LatestRun <DateTime>] [OptionsDaily <ScheduleOptions+DailyOptions>] [OptionsPeri-
odically <ScheduleOptions+PeriodicallyOptions>] [RepeatNumber <Int32>] [RepeatSpecified
<Boolean>] [RepeatTimeUnit <String>] [RepeatTimeUnitMs <Int32>] [RetrySpecified <Boolean>]
[RetryTimeout <Int32>] [RetryTimes <Int32>] [StartDateTime <DateTime>]
OptionsDaily Scheduling options for running a backup job daily at a specific time
OptionsPeriodically Scheduling options for running a backup job daily periodically at a specific interval
RepeatNumber Number of times for which a job should be repeated
RepeatSpecified Set this parameter to TRUE if you want to run a backup job daily periodically at a specific interval
RepeatTimeUnit Units of time for running a backup job daily periodically at a specific interval (hours or minutes)
RepeatTimeUnitMs Number of hours or minutes in which a job should be repeatedly run
RetrySpecified Set this parameter to TRUE if you want to re-run the job run in case it fails
RetryTimeout Timeout (in minutes) before the job should be re-run in case it fails
RetryTimes Number of attempts for which the job should be re-run if it fails. To re-run the job, set the RetrySpecified parameter to TRUE
StartDateTime Date and time of day when a backup should be started
expect some more questions popping up ...