PowerShell script exchange
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Powershell commands to get the following info

Post by kpolsana »

what is the best powershell commands to get the following data using powershell

Backup Job Details
1. Backup Job Next Run
2. Restore points
3. failure message of a job is occurs
4. Summary
i. Duration
ii. Processing Rate
iii. Bottle Neck
5. Data
i. Processed
ii. Read
iii. Transferred

Show the backup status of the VM
1. VMName
2. Restore points count.
3. VM backup Status
Veeam Software
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Full Name: Stefan Renner
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Re: Powershell commands to get the following info

Post by rennerstefan »


Check out the GitHub Repo, there are plenty of examples.


Stefan Renner

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Re: Powershell commands to get the following info

Post by david.domask »

For your second request, consider the basic code I wrote here to pull information on Restore Points: post478296.html#p478296

The first request I strongly suggest search a bit on the forums and on Stefan's link as it's a pretty common question.

The simple answer is you need to use


To pull session information; the job sessions will have the general statuses and what is backed up, and Task session objects will have the data transferred amounts.

That part is quite easy to pull, but how you want it formatted is the main point, and I don't think anyone can tell except for you and your team how you want the information formatted.

I recommend play with those cmdlets and see what properties they have, and check out examples on the forums by searching "Session Report" or something like that.
David Domask | Product Management: Principal Analyst
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