Also, any examples on how to do this would be greatly appreciated!

Code: Select all
Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapIn
Code: Select all
powershell.exe .\Your_script.ps1
To be fair to Paul, he did answer the exact question that you have asked, so it is hard to call his response "not useful".jftuga wrote:Please post something actually useful.
The one you wanted to run according to your 3rd post above? I don't understand this question...jftuga wrote:For example, *which* PS script to run from the batch file.
What do you mean? There is no script invoked when you open PS prompt - it is just a command prompt. Just like there is no script invoked when you open regular command prompt with cmd.exe - it is there for you to type in and execute the commands.jftuga wrote:When you access the PS prompt from the GUI, it is unclear which PS script is invoked to get the Veeam cmdlets loaded.
Well, you really need to be looking at the PowerShell documentation for this kind of information, not at our VBR User Guide. Basically, we assume that anyone who wants to create PowerShell scripts with our extensions will have basic understanding of PowerShell.jftuga wrote:This is not mentioned in the User Guide either.
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