I'm sure there's a fancy Powershell way to query but generally I'd just run that first line of code and then type "$Options." in my Powershell host window and let Intellisense tell me what properties and methods were available.
Thank you, by intellesense i presume you mean the autocomplete like feature? well, it does nothing.
i did find variables with `$options.GenerationPolicy` enter, however this still does not for example tell me what values i can use for `RetentionPolicyType`.
I know `Simple` is one, but still what is the form of Days rather than RP's
PS C:\Users\Administrator> $opts.BackupStorageOptions.RetentionType.GetType().GetEnumValues()
What you want for changing from restore points (cycles) to Days is under BackupStorageOptions. You can always call GetType() on most non-boolean properties and then run the GetEnumValues() method to check what options you've got. Most are fairly self-explanatory.
Fetch the job options for the job with Get-VBRJobOptions, edit the returned object accordingly, then pass it to Set-VBRJobOptions as the argument for the -Options parameter
David Domask | Product Management: Principal Analyst
i ended up creating two dummy backupCopy jobs, then getting those option, and applying to each newly created backupCopy job (via script(s) obviously). The only thing that did not populate was the encryption-key. was easier to go set that item per each, then all items per each.