I'm new to this board, but I read a lot allready, thanks !
I have an issue with my VBR10, HyperV cluster, and backupcopy to external drives ...
I need to make a backup copy job every week to several USB HDD (4 to be precise) but these drives just have enough room for one backup copy ... I can't have Increments, and a synthetic full done BEFORE deleting older backups for retention. That's because of budget, I can't move this cursor ...
So, I am working on a script to automatically delete everything on these USB Hardrive as soon as the task begins, by using "script" option.
Here is my script :
Code: Select all
powershell -command "&{ Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapin ; Get-VBRBackup -Name *EXT | Remove-VBRBackup -FromDisk -Confirm:$false }"
Can anyone help me please ?