In the folders and templates view we have:
Code: Select all
|-- AD
|-- SQL
|-- ISA
|-- MOSS
|-- AD
|-- SQL
|-- ISA
|-- MOSS
|-- AD
|-- SQL
|-- ISA
|-- MOSS
I can manually create the jobs to backup the Production AD servers to one set by browsing the folder structure when creating the job, but haven't found a way to script this yet.
The command I'm using is:
Code: Select all
Add-VBRBackupJob "Per-IDM-IB3 Set 1" VDDK "san;nbd" "My Computer" "\\\z$\Veeam 4" "IntegrationAD" "AD"
Code: Select all
Add-VBRBackupJob : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'AD'.
At line:1 char:17
+ Add-VBRBackupJob <<<< "Per-IDM-IB3 Set 1" VDDK "san;nbd" "My Computer" "\\\z$\Veeam 4" "IntegrationAD" "AD"
Is it possible to use folder containers when creating a backup job with a script?