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Veeam Vanguard
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Powershell snapin installation file in v9?

Post by Cragdoo »

Does anyone know where the Powershell snapin installation file(s) are now located?

In v7/v8 there were in the \backups of the installation media (as detailed here https://www.veeam.com/kb1489)

but I cannot find the them for v9
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Re: Powershell snapin installation file in v9?

Post by veremin »

Starting from version 9, PowerShell snap-in is a part of Veeam Backup and Replication Server installation. Thanks.
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Re: Powershell snapin installation file in v9?

Post by nikods »

How do I install power shell snap-in on host servers? I need it to reset block tracking on one VM via powershell and I need to do it on host server. I am using version 9 thanks in advance :-)
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Re: Powershell snapin installation file in v9?

Post by PTide »


I assume that you want to reset CBT using the script provided in this KB is that correct? If so then my question is whether you have already tried running that script and if you have then did it error out? To my knowledge you don't need veeam ps snapin to reset CBT. Please clarify.

Thank you.
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Re: Powershell snapin installation file in v9?

Post by veremin »

What platform are you talking about? vSphere or Hyper-V one? In the latter case, feel free to use this cmdlet. This commandlet can be executed directly from a backup server, so there is no need to install PS snap-in on a host server.

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Re: Powershell snapin installation file in v9?

Post by tmoensted » 2 people like this post

Cragdoo wrote:Does anyone know where the Powershell snapin installation file(s) are now located?

In v7/v8 there were in the \backups of the installation media (as detailed here https://www.veeam.com/kb1489)

but I cannot find the them for v9
Hi Cragdoo
Maybe this can help you:
I downloaded the Veeam 9 install media, and just installed the "Backup & replication console" to my workstation.
This appears to also install the powershell stuff needed, as I am afterwards able to do
Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapin
Connect-VBRServer -Server myveeamserver -Port 9392 -User myuser -Password mypassword

I dont know if this solves your particular issue, but all i wanted was to be able to communicate with Veeam through Powershell on my workstation :)

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Re: Powershell snapin installation file in v9?

Post by veremin » 1 person likes this post

That's exactly what I was trying to point out. In version 9 (and subsequent ones) PS snap-in is integrated in Veeam backup console and cannot be installed independently. Thanks.
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Re: Powershell snapin installation file in v9?

Post by bmcdonald »

Which is inconvenient as we wanted to script a process for our Ops team to use in order to add new and remove old servers from backup schedules without giving them access to the console or giving them admin rights into the console in order to perform the actions since there does not seem to be a way to just allow those two functions without it.

The reason for this is that our Ops team has handled this particular duty for a decade now and the desire it to keep process and duties as they are. So being able to install the Veeam PS module as a stand alone component would have resolved that.

So there are some cases where a stand alone install is desired, Any chance this can get re-visited?
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Re: Powershell snapin installation file in v9?

Post by wwx500 »

I would prefer that the veeam pssnapin be available asa download as our monitoring software, Solarwinds, fails to configure and run job status scripts both locally or remotely without it.
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Re: Powershell snapin installation file in v9?

Post by udcvm »

You can install power shell manually. You will need to copy the veeam powershell DLL to the server you want to run the commands on and register the snapin. You will need to modify the paths below. I am using powershell 4.0 which is recommended for veeam 9.5.

# Creates an alias, installutil, for the path of the InstallUtil tool in .NET Framework.
Set-Alias installutil $env:windir\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\installutil.exe

# Copy the dll from the veeam server install directory to a local drive and then run the following command
# On the veeam server the file is located at C:\Program Files\Veeam\Backup and Replication\Console\Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.dll
# copy the file to a location that this server can access. I copied it to my T: drive (network share).
# now run the installutil to register the snapin
installutil T:\Veeam\v9.5\Powershell\Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.dll

# Verify that the snap-in is registered.
Get-PSSnapin -Registered

# add the veeam snapin
add-pssnapin VeeamPSSnapIn

# list all commands fro the veeam snapin
Get-Command -Module VeeamPSSnapIn
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Re: Powershell snapin installation file in v9?

Post by RichieNL »

We would also like to install the Veeam Powershell snapin without installing the Full B&R suite, or the Console.

I tried to register the Veeam Powershell snapin DLL in 9.5 update 3a as described by udcvm, but it failed.
The error I am getting is:

Code: Select all

An exception occurred while trying to find the installers in the C:\Veeam\9.5\Powershell\Veeam.Backup.Powershell.dll assembly.
System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
Any idea if I am doing something wrong, or that this method does not work any longer?
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Full Name: Max Kozlov

Re: Powershell snapin installation file in v9?

Post by MaxKozlov »

you can try this.
https://forums.veeam.com/powershell-f26 ... ml#p270595
still not tested it on u3a, but u3 woks ok
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Re: Powershell snapin installation file in v9?

Post by eeldivad »

I notice we don't need to register the snapin for newer versions of Powershell. I'm using Powershell 5. This might work for older versions too. I simply copy all files/subfolders of c:\Program Files\Veeam\Backup and Replication\Console
to another server anywhere you like. Then use import-module directly with Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.dll

# the path may be different depending where you copied the files
import-module D:\scripts\Powershell\modules\Veeam\Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.dll

Now if you run get-module, you will see Veeam.Backup.Powershell listed

To get the list of commands available just run
get-command -module Veeam.Backup.Powershell

I haven't tested all the functions but they seem to work fine for me
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