PowerShell script exchange
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Full Name: Laurent Persat

Powershell, Success per-Job

Post by Lpt »


I've almost no knowledge of Powershell scripting and didn't find existing script to suit my need so i ask here.

I need to extract monthly job results from job but I don't need the per-VM detail found in this old thread : powershell-f26/powershell-success-vm-ba ... 36923.html

Code: Select all

$BackupSessions = Get-VBRBackupSession | where {(($_.CreationTime -ge $StartDate) -and ($_.CreationTime -le $EndDate))} | Sort JobName, CreationTime
$Result = & {
    ForEach ($BackupSession in ($BackupSessions | ?{$_.IsRetryMode -eq $false})) {
        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$TaskSessions = @($BackupSession | Get-VBRTaskSession)
        If ($BackupSession.Result -eq "Failed") {
            $RetrySessions = $BackupSessions | ?{($_.IsRetryMode -eq $true) -and ($_.OriginalSessionId -eq $BackupSession.Id)}
            ForEach ($RetrySession in $RetrySessions) {
                [System.Collections.ArrayList]$RetryTaskSessions = @($RetrySession | Get-VBRTaskSession)
                ForEach ($RetryTaskSession in $RetryTaskSessions) {
                    $PriorTaskSession = $TaskSessions | ?{$_.Name -eq $RetryTaskSession.Name}
                    If ($PriorTaskSession) { $TaskSessions.Remove($PriorTaskSession) }
                    $TaskSessions.Add($RetryTaskSession) | Out-Null   
    $TaskSessions | Select @{N="JobName";E={$BackupSession.JobName}},@{N="SessionName";E={$_.JobSess.Name}},@{N="JobResult";E={$_.JobSess.Result}},@{N="JobStart";E={$_.JobSess.CreationTime}},@{N="JobEnd";E={$_.JobSess.EndTime}},@{N="Date";E={$_.JobSess.CreationTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}},name,status
As of today, I've been unsuccessul to find or write a script that fits my needs

I need to get the following properties in the output array : JobName, CreationTime, EndTime, Result (the last of the retry series) , RetryNb (to get to the last result)

Can someone help me ?
Veeam Software
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Full Name: Oleg Feoktistov

Re: Powershell, Success per-Job

Post by oleg.feoktistov »

Hi Laurent,

Here is the sample script how you could obtain the required info without per-VM details:

Code: Select all

$date = (Get-Date).AddMonths(-1)
$sessions = Get-VBRBackupSession | where {$_.CreationTime -ge $date}
foreach ($session in $sessions) {
  $sessionsStack = $session.GetOriginalAndRetrySessions($true)
  $sessionsStack | where {$_.IsRetryMode -eq $false}
  $sessionsStack | select JobName, CreationTime, EndTime, Result
Basically, GetOriginalAndRetrySessions() method finds if there are any retries in the job run and then we filter out the last session in the run precisely.

Best regards,
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Joined: Mar 10, 2024 2:24 pm
Full Name: Laurent Persat

Re: Powershell, Success per-Job

Post by Lpt »

Hi Oleg,

Yesterday, I have been sucessful to get the the result I wanted. Here's my sample script (seems not very elegant):

Code: Select all

foreach ($job in $jobsList) {
	$BackupSessions = Get-VBRBackupSession | Where {$_.jobId -eq $job.Id.Guid} | Where { ($_.CreationTime -ge $startDate) -and ($_.CreationTime -lt $endDate) } | Sort JobName, CreationTime
	ForEach ($BackupSession in ($BackupSessions | Where { $_.IsRetryMode -eq $false })) {
		$row = "" | Select JobName, StartTime, EndTime, Result, NbRetry

		# Si le résultat de la session est "Failed"
		if ($BackupSession.Result -eq "Failed") {
			# Recherche les sessions de réessai associées
			$RetrySessions = $BackupSessions | Where { ($_.IsRetryMode -eq $true) -and ($_.OriginalSessionId -eq $BackupSession.Id) }
			# Si il y a eu retry sélectionne la dernière session de réessai
			$LastRetrySession = $RetrySessions | Sort CreationTime | Select -Last 1

			$row.JobName = $LastRetrySession.JobName
			$row.StartTime = $LastRetrySession.Info.CreationTime
			$row.EndTime = $LastRetrySession.Info.EndTime
			$row.Result = $LastRetrySession.Info.Result
			$row.NbRetry = $RetrySessions.Count
		} else {
			$row.JobName = $BackupSession.JobName
			$row.StartTime = $BackupSession.Info.CreationTime
			$row.EndTime = $BackupSession.Info.EndTime
			$row.Result = $BackupSession.Info.Result
			$row.NbRetry = 0
		$Report += $row

I will try the method GetOriginalAndRetrySessions() if I'm not too lazy ... not the case at the moment


Best regards,
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