PowerShell script exchange
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Powershell unable to find snapin

Post by kjparker »

I am in the process of setting up my new veeam environment with my tape library.

I am having problems with the Import-VBRTapeMedium applet when trying to run it from the regular powershell (via a .ps1 file)

If I launch from within veeam the powershell console, the following command:

Code: Select all

Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapin
Get-VBRTapeLibrary | Import-VBRTapeMedium -RunAsync
It works exactly as expected, and moves all cartridges from the mail slot, and back into the pool.

If I run the same code from within the ISE (as admin) it also works.

If I run the same code from Powershell ( as admin) I get the following:

Code: Select all

Add-PSSnapin : No snap-ins have been registered for Windows PowerShell version 4.
At line:1 char:1
+ Add-PSSnapin "VeeamPSSnapin"
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (VeeamPSSnapin:String) [Add-PSSnapin], PSArgumentException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : AddPSSnapInRead,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.AddPSSnapinCommand
I dont understand why it works in ISE, but not in Powershell. Any thoughts as to where I should start looking?
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Re: Powershell unable to find snapin

Post by veremin »

What happens if you try to run older PS version? (Say, powershell -version 3.0). Thanks.
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Re: Powershell unable to find snapin

Post by kjparker »

Thanks for the response. I'm not sure what changed on the system, however it is now working. I wish I knew what it was that I was either doing wrong or did to fix it, but I really dont know!

I now need to expand the script to move the imported tapes to the free pool, and figure out how to get Veeam (or other application) to launch the script prior to starting the tape job... But those are questions for another thread!
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Re: Powershell unable to find snapin

Post by veremin »

I now need to expand the script to move the imported tapes to the free pool
Tape mediums can be moved to Free Media Pool via Move-VBRTapemedium commandlet.
figure out how to get Veeam (or other application) to launch the script prior to starting the tape job
Windows Scheduler should be your way to go. Just create a script that starts a pre-job command, and, then, proceeds to job execution.

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Re: Powershell unable to find snapin

Post by tdewin »

Could it be that you launched a 32 bit version of the ISE. The VeeamPSSnapin is 64-bit only.
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Re: Powershell unable to find snapin

Post by kjparker »

v.Eremin wrote: Tape mediums can be moved to Free Media Pool via Move-VBRTapemedium commandlet.
Windows Scheduler should be your way to go. Just create a script that starts a pre-job command, and, then, proceeds to job execution.


I had a play yesterday, and I was able to get the script to work the way I wanted it, Code below for anyone who is interested:

Code: Select all

Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapin
$tape = Get-VBRTapeMedium -offline
Move-VBRTapeMedium -Medium $tape -MediaPool Free -Confirm:$false
Get-VBRTapeLibrary | Import-VBRTapeMedium -RunAsync
In a nutshell, it queries the tape library to see what tapes are in the mail slots, assigns them the variable $tape, moves them to free, and iports them back into the library.

I hadnt thought about scheduling the jobs via windows scheduler, I was always just using veeam scheduling, but this does seem a lot more flexible! I'll look into it more! Thanks for the tip!
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Re: Powershell unable to find snapin

Post by veremin »

While working with PowerShell scripts it's always advisable to use Windows Scheduler, as it gives you required flexibility. Thanks.
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