while customers implementation becommes more and more complex i try to implement a trigger to query the amount of vm's protected by veeam and excluded by manual config.
Implementing some check like:
i find the most instances updated corectly, but a hugh part of vm's is found, where the costom filed was not updated by the plugin or empty.
My question: is there a supported way of reinitializing this or can you point me in direction to troubleshoot this behavior? Supportcase needed?
Michael, you appear to be talking about the custom VM attribute set when a successful backup is completed.
This does not rely on any plug-in, it is through the direct integration from Veeam to vCenter, thus there is nothing to re-initialize. The action of setting this attribute should execute on every job run for each VM when a backup succeeds, and typically when it stops I have seen that the setting is no longer enabled in the job(s).
If your jobs are configured to set VM attributes, and the user account being utilized for vCenter connectivity has the appropriate permissions, then I would suggest opening a support case.