Where can I find an article on .NET methods, classes and properties ?
There isn't one. We don't support them, so we don't describe them in the User Guide.
How can I tell if I use unsupported code ?
It contains any of the below:
- Static methods
Code: Select all
- Dynamic methods
Code: Select all
$job = Get-VBRJob -Name 'Backup Job 1' # supported part $job.FindLastSession() # unsupported part
- Internal classes (usually have C* prefix, or E* for enumerations)
Code: Select all
$job = Get-VBRJob -Name 'Backup Job 1' # supported part $job.Info # unsupported part, internal class PS C:\Users\Administrator> $job.Info.GetType() IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType -------- -------- ---- -------- True True CDbBackupJobInfo System.Object
It contains cmdlets and types described in the User Guide. Some of the powershell types are not there, so the general rule is - if you see a powershell type with VBR prefix, then it's supported (unless it's a type used in an internal cmdlet, see the next point). Most of these types reside in Veeam.Backup.Powershell.Infos namespace or in Veeam.<DatabaseType>.Powershell.Models if they are related to Explorers. Example:
Code: Select all
$repo = Get-VBRObjectStorageRepository
PS C:\Users\Administrator> $repo.GetType() | select FullName
Then there is a 99% chance you have encountered an internal cmdlet used for debugging or autotests. It is not supported and can cause an unexpected behavior.
What about the official cmdlets that still work with internal classes ?
They are supported and described in the guide, but the output relies on internal classes, so it may vary from release to release because of changes introduced in the business logic. We support such classes on a best effort basis until we have new powershell types created for them. Some of them are still described in the User Guide, which makes it an exception.
If a new cmdlet that doesn't operate with internal classes is available for the same feature/subset of features, use it instead.
Use Get-VBRComputerBackupJob instead of Get-VBRJob for agent management backup jobs.
If another cmdlet that doesn't require setting class properties through .NET reflections exists for the same feature/subset of features, use it instead.
Use Set-VBRJobSchedule instead of a conjunction of New-VBRJobScheduleOptions and Set-VBRJobScheduleOptions.
What do I do if I need help with unsupported methods and classes ?
Post your question on forums. We can help you with changed method signatures, properties, errors etc. on a best effort basis. Don't submit a support case unless the issue is with an official cmdlet or a type. If you do, you will still be redirected here.
See you on forums,