In my code Entity is "srv-filer123” which is a vm that I want to replicate.
This issue is that –Server flag will not accept the name of my cluster, (03.10 Cluster) and will only take the name of the datacenter (dal-vctr01).
$BackupCluster correctly return the cluster name, but I cant get -Server to accept anything but what is returned for $BackupServer
How do I specify the cluster name in -Server?
Code: Select all
$Entity = Find-VBRViEntity -name "srv-filer123"
$JobName = "srv-filer123-test"
$BackupCluster = Find-VBRViEntity -HostsAndClusters -Name "03.10 Cluster"
$BackupServer = Get-VBRServer -Name "dal-vctr01 "
$Datastore = Find-VBRViDatastore -Server $BackupServer -Name "T3-ATL-1"
$ResourcePool = Find-VBRViResourcePool -Server $BackupServer -Name "Atl Mgmt - Standby"
$Folder = Find-VBRViFolder -Server $BackupServer -Name "Discovered virtual machine"
$Suffix = "_replica"
Add-VBRViReplicaJob -Name $JobName -Server ($BackupServer) -Entity ($Entity) -Datastore ($Datastore) -ResourcePool ($ResourcePool) -Folder ($Folder) -Suffix ($Suffix)